Jaanki Raghav Rajvansh

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Author's POV

The council had gathered to implement their plan. "We are here to discuss the issue of succession of the throne of Mewar. We are aware of Rajkumari's reluctance to get married, which blatantly disrespects our customs. We have the rightful heir to the throne, Kunvar Rajveer Sigh Shekawat, with us. We will declare him our king today," Minister Ramnath declared. The rest of the council made signs of agreement. They were acting as though this was a new proposal, but all of them were scheming. They wanted Rajveer on the throne so that they could wield the actual power. Rajveer just wanted the throne and its wealth. He was completely incapable of any sort of administration. They knew that, and that's what they wanted. They completely failed at having any kind of influence on Jaanki, and so this puppet king would do them great good.

Just as they were discussing Jaanki and her so-called disrespect for their rules, the door of the council room burst open. All of them looked up and stilled. It was the Rajkumari, and she had mangalsutra and sindhoor on. She was with someone. When they realized who it was, the ground slipped from underneath their feet. It was the Maharaj of Madhavgarh. If they thought Jaanki alone was difficult to manipulate, then this alliance, if it were true, would kill all their chances. Both of them walked in. They could see the rage on Jaanki's face. She knew. They realized they were exposed. Their plot had been brought out in the open. And she outsmarted them once again. Their whole point was that she wasn't wed, but now she had not just married anyone but the Raghav Rajvansh. They couldn't even claim that he was incapable. He was anything but that. She had completely outdone them. They were completely helpless.

Jaanki glared at them. She was outraged at their audacity. "Anyone who wishes to continue the prospect in front of the council is free to speak up," she roared. All of them shook in their boots. "Kunwar Rajveer, you want my throne, don't you?" He was scared out of his wits. He knew what he was doing warranted a death penalty. "I hear by declare this council to be dissolved. All the ministers involved in bad-mouthing the throne and in cooking up this scheme are stripped of their titles. Action will be taken against everyone here. Guards, lock these people up," she roared. All of them looked at her with fear. Once they were in jail, she would kill them. There would be no legal proceedings. They knew what she was capable of. She didn't tolerate betrayal, and this was betrayal at the highest level.

"Rajkumari, I've been searching for you. There's a scheme against you," her lawyer walked in, huffing. Jaanki looked at him before saying, "Guards, arrest Mr Arvind. He's charged with rajdroha." She saw right through his façade. She had realized in the office that it was him who had compromised her. He was the only one who knew about her intention to get engaged. She didn't want to believe it, but as time passed, she realized it was him. He was the only one whose words the council would completely believe. They knew she trusted him, and that was her mistake. Raghav looked at Jaanki in awe. How was she so strong? She had been betrayed by the only person she trusted. He was just surer of his decision to marry her. He saw from the corner of his eye that a minister was trying to aim his gun at her. Raghav pulled out his own gun and shot the minister before he could act.

Jaanki turned around to see Minister Rajnath lying in a pool of blood with a gun in his hand. Her husband saved her. He shot this man to save her. "Anyone who even thinks of harming my wife will have the same fate. She is the queen of Madhavgarh, and any attack on her would be considered an attack on the throne of Madhavgarh," he roared. This surely terrified all of them, if they weren't already. Jaanki looked at Raghav with pride. He saved her. For the first time in her life, someone killed for her. She knew she was crazy to find murder hot, but it is what it is. She just stood there admiring him. Raghav was enraged. They dared to raise a gun at their queen. His wife or not, she was their ruler. He wanted to kill anyone who dared to raise a weapon at his wife.

 All of them were thrown in jail, and Ragav and Jaanki were left in the council room. "What are you planning to do to them?" Raghav asked. "They have to be killed. Once the thought of overthrowing the royal family comes to a head, it doesn't leave. If they were spared, they would do this again. There's already enough evidence of them being corrupt and criminal. This would be the punishment for all their wrongdoings." Raghav agreed. He knew letting them live would just make way for the situation to repeat. "Yes, but we need a new council as soon as possible," he said.  

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