Full of distraction

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Jaanki's POV

We reached the office and proceeded towards the elevator. I was engulfed in the smell of his cologne due to the closed area of the elevator. I looked at my husband, more like stared. He was a handsome man, no doubt. And very hot. Sometimes, I wonder what it would take to get a laugh out of him. He smiled. Actually, he smiled very often, but was it a full-blown laugh? I hadn't seen that in the almost seven months we had been together. "Staring is rude, Mrs Shekawat," my husband said, breaking my trance. I could see him smirk. "Not when you're staring at your husband. And it's Mrs Rajvansh for you, Mr Rajvansh," I said, smirking. He looked amused at my reply. Before we could flirt any further, the elevator reached its destination, and we got off.

"I'll come to your cabin in an hour?" Raghav asked, and I nodded, leaving for my cabin. Just as I entered, I saw Ms Sharma arranging my desk. "Good Morning, Ms Sharma," I greeted with a smile. "Good Morning, ma'am," she replied, returning the smile. "I've placed all the documents in yours and Maharaj's cabin. Is there anything else I can help you with? She asked. "That would be it. Thank you," I said, smiling. She nodded and left the cabin. I sighed and sat down, taking the documents into my hands. It's going to be a long day.

I was almost done with reading my documents when I heard a knock on my door. "Come in," I said. Raghav walked in with no expression on his face and said, "Shuru karein?" I nodded and started explaining all the progress and current status to him and detail. I tried my best to fill him up on all the information to the best of my abilities. As I was explaining, I could feel a strong gaze directed towards me. He was staring at me. I saw him looking at me with a hungry look on his face making me all nervous and red.

Raghav's POV

As I walked into her cabin, my face stiffened, looking at her shirt, which had now slipped low enough to give me a peek of what lay behind it. She was oblivious to it, of course, as she very intently explained everything to me. The only issue was I was distracted. And me standing beside her as she was sitting was not helping. The position gave me a very clear view. Who could blame me for I had a very beautiful and hot wife. I wasn't blind. I was aware from the get-go that Jaanki was a very attractive woman. She was everything a man could ask for. Deliciously curvy and hot. As I was busy eye fucking her, I observed her ears go red, which they did when she was shy or embarrassed. I knew the former was the case here.

"Raghav, focus," she said. I bent down, ignoring her, and held her chin with my fingers, tilting her head up. She looked at me with the same intensity, and I lost it. I attacked her lips, biting them and sucking on them. She moaned and reciprocated my actions. I pulled her up, placed her on the table, spread her legs apart, and got in between them as I continued devouring her lips. She bit my bottom lip, earning a grunt from me, and shoved her tongue into my mouth. She was a passionate lover and I loved it. One of my hands made its way to her throat while the other started kneading her breasts. She moaned into the kiss as her fingers tangled with my hair.

 I detached my lips from hers and proceeded to suck on her jaw and neck

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 I detached my lips from hers and proceeded to suck on her jaw and neck. I kissed and bit her sweet spot. "Aah Raghav, Don't aah, don't leave a mark," she moaned out. I obliged. She pulled my head up from the crook of her neck and started kissing and biting my jaw and neck. I continued playing with her mounds. How perfectly they fit into my palms. As I started unbuttoning her shirt, the intercom rang, making both of us moan in annoyance. She left my neck and looked at me for a second, trying to regularize her breath before lifting the intercom.

"Yes, we are coming." She said into the phone and looked at me, huffing. "Ms Sharma called. Meeting ka time ho raha hai." She informed me. I could see the fire in her eyes as if she wanted to say, "Fuck the meeting. Continue what you were doing," but both of us knew better than that. We had responsibilities. I started, running my fingers through my hair so as to set it, and she started buttoning up her shirt. She set it to make sure she didn't give anyone else the view she just gave me. She rummaged through the handbag and removed some wet wipes and lipstick. She took a wet wipe and started cleaning my lips and my neck, which were covered with lipstick marks. "Kitni baar bola hai transfer-proof lipstick lagaaya karo," I said, and she gave me a "really?" look before saying, "Well, I didn't know my husband would be making out with me in my office on my table." She proceeded to retouch her lipstick and set her hair, which had gone haywire due to our activity. Both of us left for the conference room.

("It's time for the meeting." "How many times have I told you? Use a transfer proof lipstick.")

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