Unexpected news

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Raghav's POV

"I'm sorry Viraj, about how they spoke about Aashi," I apologized. "Shut up, dude; it's not like I haven't met those women before. In fact, I'm enraged at how they spoke to Jaanki, but looking at how Arjun replied, I'm proud of my sister's choice," Viraj said. Arjun blushed, making all of us chuckle. "You okay?" I asked Jaanki. "I'll be fine. I'm still a little pissed though," she said, making me give her hand a gentle squeeze. "So, Viraj which date should we fix for the wedding?" I asked. "Should we go with the 3-month one? I mean I can see my sister is desparate," Viraj teased Aashi. "And so is my dewar!" Jaanki said laughing.

"I'll ask the staff to get us some sweets," Jaanki said, standing up. As soon as she stood up, I saw her fumble and then she fell backward. My reflexes kicked in and I held her. She had fainted. "Jaanki, hey, open your eyes," I said, patting her face, but she didn't wake up. "Arjun, call the doctor," I said. I could see everyone panicking. "Aashi, go get water," Viraj directed, as I lay Jaanki down on the couch. I sprinkled some water from the glass Aashi handed me. Jaanki slowly opened her eyes looking at me. "Why do you not take care of yourself? Do you have to overwork to the point of exhaustion?" I yelled at her. "Aise patient pe kaun chillata hai?" she exclaimed pouting. "Don't joke Jaanki. You literally just fainted," Viraj scolded, and before she could open her mouth to say something, Arjun arrived with the doctor.

I helped Jaanki to the room for the check-up while the rest remained downstairs. The doctor checked her up and asked, "When was your last period Raani sahib?" "It's been around two months, I suppose," she replied, looking confused. "Are your periods often irregular?" the doctor further questioned. "No, not really," Jaanki replied warily. "Congratulations, Maharaj, Raani-sahib is pregnant. I'm certain, but I suggest you go to the hospital and get a check-up," the doctor said with a huge smile. Both Jaanki and I kept looking at each other stunned. "Hospital chalein?" I asked after the doctor left. Jaanki nodded, looking dazed. We both left for the hospital, ignoring everyone's questioning eyes.

Jaanki's POV

Raghav and I were waiting on the results after I had given my tests. It's not that I was unhappy with the pregnancy, but it was so unexpected. And I'm not sure how Raghav feels about this. I haven't been able to pick up anything from his face. I mean, it's not even been a year since our marriage, and we haven't even had a conversation about children yet. I kept staring at him while he stared into space. A nurse came out and called us in. "Congratulations Mr and Mrs Rajvansh. You are having a baby. You guys are around 7 weeks in," the doctor informed. "Doctor, I drank wine a week ago. I wasn't aware that I was pregnant," I said panicking. "There are no complications as of now, Mrs Rajvansh; just make sure you take care in the future," the doctor assured me. We thanked her and left the hospital.

"Do you not want this baby Raghav?" I asked, as soon as we got into the car. "What makes you say so, Jaanki?" he questioned me back. "I mean, I know we didn't plan this, and I'm not even sure you want kids," I said hurriedly. "I wasn't sure how I felt about it when the doctor told us at home. I was confused. But when we were waiting in the hospital lobby, I couldn't help but imagine how life would be with a baby, our baby. It would be chaotic and filled with sleepless nights. But I think I want that chaos," he said holding my hand. I rested my head on his shoulders with tears filling my eyes. "We'll be fine right?" I asked, sacred. "I'll make sure of it," he said placing a kiss on my forehead.

Scared would be an understatement, I was terrified. I wasn't prepared for a baby. I didn't know how I'd manage it all. Would I even make a good mother? But listening to Raghav, gave me strength. I knew he'd handle me and it's not like the baby would be here tomorrow, I have almost 8 months to prepare. I'll be ready in that time, won't I? And this baby would be a symbol of my love for Raghav and that makes it extra special, I suppose. As I was busy overthinking, we reached home. "Are we going to tell them now?" Raghav asked, "Of course, they're going to ask us questions anyways. And they deserve to know," I said, getting out of the car.

All of them swarmed us with questions as soon aswe entered the palace. "Calm down, people, let us breathe," I said. All of usgot seated and I just stared ahead not knowing how to say it. Hum good newsdene wale hai, sounds very hindi serial, we are pregnant? We are having a baby?Argh, how do people do this? I guess Raghav could see me struggling, so, hejust went ahead and said, "We are having a baby, guys. She's 7 weeks along."That was so plain and boring. But the message conveyed, I guess. But why iseveryone so quiet? I looked ahead and saw that all of them were in a state ofshock. "Matlab mai kaka banne wala hu?" Arjun was the first one to yell andeveryone else followed. After dealing with all the over-excitement in the room,Raghav and I made our way to our room after Viraj bhai and Aashi left.

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