Wedding date

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Jaanki's POV

It was a hectic meeting. The royal council had the same old things to say. It was always about how we are modernizing too fast and how the public preferred the traditional image of the king on the throne and the queen behind a purdah. Well the stats had a different story to tell. The popularity of the royal family and the trust in us grew immensely after Raghav's parents had gotten rid of those practices. Moreover, being so educated in politics and business, the queens did have a lot more to offer to the kingdom and its people than to just have a ceremonial role. The council was old and boring anyway, so Raghav and I seldom took their words seriously, and we were working on changing the people holding ministries to younger people. I mean I personally think after 60, you have no business poking your head into matters of a kingdom.

"I think we should fix a wedding date for Arjun and Aashi when these women are here," Raghav said as soon as we got into the car, making me turn my head to him at the speed of light. "I mean, they are already engaged, and Viraj brought it up the last time I visited him. And we will have to call these ladies again when we decide to fix dates. I don't have it in me to bear their nonsense again, so let's just do it when they are here already," he completed. "Are you asking me or informing me?" I questioned, "Both?" he said looking at me. "Not a bad idea, I suppose," I said. "Okay, I'll ask pandit-ji to come to the palace tomorrow?" he asked. I nodded. "Let's ask Arjun and Aashi as well before we make the call," I suggested.

"Okay, let's call them now? They would be together right?" he said, "Yes, they will," I said while dialing Arjun's number. Arjun always picked up my call so it was a safe choice. I put the phone on speaker; he picked up after two rings and said, "Yes, bhabhi, tell me, how may I help you?" "Is Aashi with you?" I asked. "Yes, she is. Why?" "Put the phone on speaker," I said. He did and Raghav asked, "Are you both ready to get married?" "Why this question suddenly Bhaiyya?" Aashi asked. "Well, Raghav and I were thinking we should get your wedding date fixed this week. You guys have been engaged for a year now." I replied. "I'm not sure about your brother, but I'm ready, bhaiyya," Aashi said, giggling, making the both of us smile. "Kyu Arjun? Karoge shaadi?" I questioned, "Yaar chidao mat bhabhi" Arjun whined. "Okay, I'll talk to Viraj and call pandit-ji tomorrow," Raghav declared, ending the call.

Raghav's POV

We had successfully avoided bua and kaki-sa for the whole evening and by the grace of god, they had decided they'd eat dinner with come snobbish friends of theirs. Not that I cared, but I was pissed when Jaanki was trying to convince them to stay home for dinner. As I was on that thought, Jaanki walked in. She went to the mirror and started getting rid of her jewelry. She was right when she said I found her extremely hot in a saree. She looking so fucking hot to me right now, I wanted to take her right here. I went behind her and slid my hands onto her waist playing with her navel. She looked up into the mirror to find my face buried in the crook of her neck as I bit her earlobe, making her whine.

She closed her eyes, enjoying the sensation, as I slowly slid my hand into her petticoat like I did in the morning. I cupped her clothed pussy and she gasped. She started grinding her ass on the wood, and if I wasn't hard already, I surely was now. I groaned and pulled her more into myself harshly. She continued grinding, making me moan and then she pulled herself away from me suddenly. I let out an annoyed moan, before looking at her through the mirror. She started stripping herself, painfully slow, while looking at me through the mirror. She will be the death of me. She got rid of her pallu, giving me a view of her cleavage, before slowly getting rid of her blouse and then her bra. She slowly started kneading her mounds, teasing me. She proceeded to undress her saree, completely disregarding the effort I had put into her pleats. "Those pleats took a long time, Raani sahib," I said, my voice constricted with lust. "Would you rather I leave it on? No right?" she said, a smirk playing on her lips. She slowly removed her petticoat and then her panty before she decided to palm her pussy. She rubbed her fingers on her clit, moaning.

"Don't start something you're not ready to finish Jaanki," I grunted, painfully hard under my trousers. "You started it, Maharaj," she replied, with a moan. I lost my rationality, and before I could grab her, she made her way towards the snaan grah, which had an olden royal style snaan kund, which was revamped to be a Jacuzzi. I followed her, understanding her signal.

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