The Night

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3 months ago


Raghav's POV

Once every year, there was a meeting of all the kings and queens in India with the Prime Minister. Jaanki and I were attending it together this year as the Maharaj and Maharani of Madhavgarh and Mewar. We knew this would be a very important and hectic meeting. All of them wanted Mewar. Now that Jaanki had decided she would join Mewar with Madhavgarh, which she had the complete right to, their little egos were hurt. So here we were in the meeting, waiting for them to start yelling about how this was unconstitutional. And they did that, while Jaanki was defending her decision. We had expected this. But what we didn't expect was what they said next. They had started insulting her parents. They started spewing nonsense about how Jaanki had no knowledge of royal governance, given that she wasn't brought up by a king and a queen. They crossed the line when they insinuated that even if her parents were alive, they wouldn't have been able to teach her anything anyway, as they were incompetent themselves.

I could see that she was getting angry, very angry. But she wasn't reacting or giving them the reaction they wanted. But I couldn't hold it any longer and started defending her. They stooped even lower by criticizing my mother for her open thoughts and fighting against oppressive rules. The moment they mentioned my mother, I saw red. Before I could react, Jaanki took over. She first condemned them for their words and proceeded to state that she had the authority to do what she did and that she didn't have to explain. She even threatened them with the withdrawal of military and financial support from our kingdoms if they continued their behavior. That shut them up. They knew they were dependent on us. She went further by stating to the Prime Minister that if he allowed such behavior, the people of Mewar and Madgavgarh would rebel, indirectly threatening him with the consequences of picking sides. The military of the country was hugely supported by Mewar for military technology and Madhavgarh's personnel.

After she was done, we left the meeting hall. But I was still angry, beyond angry. How dare they even think of insulting my mother? I could feel Jaanki's anger as well. We got into the elevator as soon as we reached the hotel. I pinned her to the wall, the moment we entered the room. Both of us were breathing harshly, with our foreheads joined. She was on her tiptoes. Jaanki was a tall woman. She was 5'10 but that didn't really help with my height of 6'4. She had completely put her weight on me. "I need to vent, baby," I breathed out, "So do I," she said breathing harshly. "It's not going to be gentle," I warned her. "I don't want gentle Raghav," she demanded. And I lost it. I didn't know my name could sound so sexy. I pounced on her lips sucking them. She bit my lower lip drawing blood. I loved where this was going. I didn't know my wife had a wild side and now I wanted more.

I pinned her hands above her head with my right hand, sucking on her lips while my left hand squeezed her ass. She moaned into the kiss, turning me on more than I already was. She was looking so hot today. I wanted to do nothing more than to take her since I saw her in the morning. And the way warned those fuckers in the meeting today was so hot. And my anger combined with it; I couldn't hold myself back anymore. I moved my right hand to knead her breasts. It was like they were made for my hands, they fit right in. She started unbuttoning my shirt in a rush. When she couldn't, she ripped my shirt off in frustration. That was so hot. She was a wild cat, my wife. She turned us around and now I was pinned to the wall. She started sucking on my throat. She bit on my Adam's apple, making me groan. She moved her hands all over my torso.

She started unbuckling my belt, pulling my trousers down. She palmed my clothed hardness, making me moan. She pulled down my boxers and started going down. "You don't have to," I said, panting, sensing what she was about to do. "I know, but I want to," she said, holding my manhood in her palms, looking at me. I could cum, just looking at her right now. "I've never done this, so guide me," she said, pumping me. "Just like that, baby," I groaned. As I was basking in the sensation of her hand around me, she surprised me by taking my tip into her mouth. My body jolted with the sensation. She slowly started taking more of me in, I grabbed her hair, groaning. "Keep going, baby," I moaned. She started bobbing her head, licking and sucking on my cock. She palmed my balls. It felt so good. She looked at me with my cock in her mouth. The visual was so dirty and hot that I lost my mind. My grip on her hair tightened as I started fucking her mouth. She took me to my edge and I moaned harder.

I pulled her up before I came, kissing her urgently. "You were so good, baby. But I wanna cum somewhere else," I said nibbling on her lips. I ripped her shirt off, pulling her skirt down. She was left in her bra and panties. I looked at her, only to find her staring at me with hunger. I made her jump onto my torso, her legs wrapped around me, my hands on her ass. I took her to the glass wall, pinning her back to it. "People will look, Raghav," she muttered, a little scared. "It's a one way glass, and we are on the 50th  floor, baby doll," I said, pulling her panties down. One of my hands reached for her bra to get rid of it while the other palmed her wet pussy. She moaned.

Jaanki's POV

It felt so good. His rough fingers down there were heaven. He got down on his knees, blowing air on my womanhood. My hips bucked. "Please," I begged. "Touch me, please," I continued. "Getting desperate are we?" he said, smacking my ass, making me yelp. He attacked my pussy suddenly. My legs shivered at the sensation as my back arched. I threw my head back, with my mouth open. He sucked on my juices like they were the most delicious thing he had ever tasted. I clutched his shoulder for support as my legs turned to jelly. He lifted my left leg and placed it on his shoulder, giving him more access. "It feels good?" he questioned, his lips still on my clit. I moaned in response. "It does, I suppose," he concluded, before continuing. He thrust his tongue into me, making me scream. He rubbed circles on my clit, as he continued fucking me with his tongue. "I'm close, Raghav," I moaned and he increased his pace. I came with a scream, my body shaking as I completely lost sense of the world.

He lifted me up before throwing me onto the bed. I still was dazed, unable to comprehend anything. He hovered on top of me, rubbing his wood on my glistening pussy. "You ready, baby?" he said, teasing my pussy. "Will you put it in or do I have to make you?" I threatened my jaw clenched, unable to bear his teasing. "I didn't know my wife was this wild," he commented, still teasing me. "Put it in, Raghav," I said almost yelling. "Patience, baby," he said before thrusting his complete length into me at once, making me yelp. He leaned into me, sucking on my neck, thrusting into me wildly, releasing all his anger. I kept screaming his name, as I held onto his hips, pushing him into me more. I was losing my mind. I had unleashed a beast and I loved it.

He flipped me around, making me sit on my fours with his cock still in me. He continued thrusting, not giving me time to adjust. My head was blank. All I could think about was him. "Fuck, fuck, Raghav," I screamed. He kept going until I reached my second orgasm. "Fuck, baby. Stop clenching on me," Raghav grunted, pulled me up, my back touching his chest, and started pounding into me. His pace increased, indicating he was close. He flipped me around, making me lie on my back, and kept thrusting as his moans grew louder. I loved his moans. I could do this every day, despite how exhausted I get at the end of it, just to hear him moan. "I'm close, Raghav," I moaned, reaching my high for the third time. "Cum baby, even I'm close," he grunted. I came screaming, "Aah," he groaned, releasing inside me. He slumped onto me, placing his whole weight on me. All I could hear was our heavy breathing. He rolled off to the side, got off, and cleaned me up. "That was the best sex of my life," he said, joining me on the bed. "It was, but we've got to top this," I said, not wanting our best to pass within three months of our marriage. "Of course, babe, I'm not disappointing you or me," he said, snuggling into me. And we drifted to sleep.

~end of flashback

I turned crimson, recollecting that night. Wedid realize the consequences of no protection. I did take a pill and we didn'treally think we'd get pregnant the first time. The pill failed and his genes worked. I looked at him and saw that he, too, was embarrassed. We got to bed. And I sleptthat night with a lot of thoughts in my head.

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