A steamy bath

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 Raghav's POV

I pinned her to the stone wall of the snaan grah, as soon as I stepped in. She hissed as she made contact with the cold walls. "You're playing a very dangerous game, Jaanki," I grunted, my forehead connected to hers, her breath fanning my face. "Well, I love danger, Maharaj," she whispered seductively. I smacked her ass, making her gasp. "You call me by my name when we do dirty stuff. Am I clear, Jaanki?" I said, nibbling on her earlobe. She moaned. "Words Jaanki, I want words," I demanded. "Aah yes, Raghav," she replied, her hand slipping down to cub my hard, clothed cock. "You don't get to touch it so easily after the stunt you just pulled in the bedroom," I groaned, preventing her hand from palming me.

She pulled away from me, making her way into the Jacuzzi, slowly and seductively. She just wanted to get punished, didn't she? I knew, my woman loved it when I went all wild on her. She loved being dominated. She wanted to be punished. I slowly stripped myself of my clothes and made my way into the Jacuzzi. I pulled her into me, grinding my naked cock to her ass, making the both of us moan. I couldn't hold in anymore. I turned her around, kissing her. I bit and sucked on her lips while she returned the passion. Her fingers wrapped around my neck, as she further pulled me towards her.

Jaanki's POV

Raghav had a way with me. He could make me feel all hot and bothered with just a gaze. The way he was devouring me, made my already wet pussy, even wetter. He started playing with my mounds, making me moan into the kiss. He shoved his tongue into my mouth, tasting every corner of it. He shifted his attention to my sweet spot, sucking and biting it. It surely would leave marks, but that was a problem for tomorrow. He took my right nipple into his mouth, rolling his tongue on it, making me roll my eyes in pleasure. My other nipple didn't feel deprived as he kept pinching on it. "Raghav, Pl-aah, Please," I moaned, asking him for more.

"Please what baby?" he asked me, my nipple still in his mouth, sending shivers down my spine. "Touch me down there," I begged him, shamelessly. "As you say babydoll," he said, pushing me over the edge of the Jacuzzi, making me sit. He opened my legs, staring at my glistening wetness. It made me shy. "Now, now, don't be shy after what you just did," he teased me, his breath fanning my womanhood. I kept moaning and moving my hips, requesting him to touch me and he did. He attacked my pussy, eating it like he was starving. It made me lose my mind as I kept bucking my hips, screaming. "Am I fucking you dumb with my mouth, sweetheart? Cuz whatever your screaming is incomprehensible," he said onto my clit. "Aah, Raghav, please fuck me," I said, desperate to feel him inside me. "Yes baby, I'll give it to you so bad, you won't be able to walk without a limp for a week," he said, getting his face to my navel and licking it. I loved it when he talked dirty and he did it so well.

The first time we did it, I was too shy to tell him I liked it, but he was so good at understanding me in bed. He gave it to me exactly how I liked it. He was a sex god. "Focus on me, darling," he said, biting the skin on my stomach. I hissed and got into the Jacuzzi, trying to push him onto the place I was seated, signaling to him that I wanted to suck him off. "Not today, baby. The only lips that'll surround my cock today are these ones right here," he whispered, smacking my pussy, earning a moan. "Why do you think, I didn't let you come on my tongue, huh? Only my cock gets to feel that today," he declared, smacking my pussy once more. "Please fuck me, baby," I whined. "Gladly," he said before rubbing his cock on my wetness.

He slid his cock into my pussy, from behind, in one push, making me roll my eyes. I held onto the edge of the Jacuzzi for support as he pumped into me mercilessly. My thoughts were all fuzzy as all I could feel was him inside me. I kept screaming his name as he kept thrusting into me. "How dare you touch what's mine huh? Will you ever touch yourself again?" he asked panting and grunting, smacking my ass. I shook my head. "Words, baby girl," he demanded, "No, aah, no, I won't," I said, not fully comprehending his or my words. "Whom does this belong to? Whom do you belong to, huh?" he asked, rubbing my clit, making me scream louder. "You," I screamed, my throat parched. "You, who? Take my name, Jaanki," he groaned. I loved it when he took my name while we fucked. He knew that. "You, Raghav, all of this, all of me belongs to you," I said in between my moans.

Raghav's POV

Her walls constricted on my cock as soon as I took her name. I knew she loved it when I did that. "That's" thrust "fucking" thrust "right", thrust, I said fucking her. "I'm close, Raghav," she moaned in urgency. "Not yet, baby, hold it," I said, turning her around and lifting her up, her legs wrapped around my torso with my cock still in her. She threw her head back in pleasure as I continued thrusting into her. Her walls clenched my cock again, indicating she was close, and so was I. "Raghav, please, I'm close," she begged. I felt closer to my edge just listening to her. I loved it when she begged. "Me too baby, me too," I said, thrusting wildly. "Come, Jaanki," I said, and she did. She came around my cock screaming. I pulled out of her and took a washcloth from the side, releasing my seeds onto it, groaning and moaning.

Her head plopped onto my shoulders, as she put her weight onto me. "You're fine?" I asked, and she nodded. I slowly got her out of the Jacuzzi and took her towards the shower, washing her and myself. She rarely moved, indicating her exhaustion. I took her into bed, naked. Yes, I loved sleeping naked with her, but she seldom agreed. So, today was my chance. She snuggled into my chest and I placed a kiss on her forehead, drifting into sleep. This whole marriage thing is a lot more fun than I anticipated.

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