Talking to him

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Jaanki's POV

I couldn't focus on anything. I was bombarded with work, but I couldn't get myself to concentrate. It had been a week since Raghav landed, but I wasn't able to get in touch with him. I tried calling him, but he was not reachable. I even called his secretary, and all I got was, "Sir is busy." I was very determined to talk to him. I had to apologize. I have never not spoken to him. Even before this, whenever he went somewhere for work, he would always call me to check up on me and everyone. Even now, I knew he was talking to Arjun and Sakshi to make sure I was alright. He refused to talk to me. I knew it was my doing, but now I wanted to apologize.

I had so much work to do, but I just couldn't concentrate. I was in my office room at home, surrounded by piles of files and bombarded with a shit ton of mail. I never realized how much work Raghav was handling alone. Before I got pregnant, we shared the work so I was never exposed to so much work. I was just sending emails and taking calls for the past 2 days. On top of that, the preparations for Arjun and Aashi's wedding were in full swing. Of course, Arjun and Sakshi were helping me, but there was so much that I had to do. Aashi also was trying her best to support me. Viraj Bhai also visited more often. But all I wanted was Raghav.

I looked at my phone, trying not to call him. I didn't want to be disappointed again if he didn't answer it. But me being me, I couldn't help it. I ended up calling him. I could hear the phone ringing, and the anticipation was painful. I was about to end the call when I heard the line getting connected. I was both shocked and nervous. I was waiting for an answer, but he wasn't saying anything. So, I decided to talk. "Hello, Raghav?" "Yes, Jaanki." His voice was music to my ears. But it wasn't the same. His voice carried immense warmth generally, but today, it wasn't there. "I'm sorry," I blurted out, not able to bear his coldness anymore. The line was silent. "Raghav? Please say something. I know it's my fault, and I'm sorry. But please baat kejiye mujhse." My eyes teared up, and my voice was wobbly. I hoped he couldn't make that out. "Don't cry, Jaanki." He could make it out. Of course, he could. He could read me like an open book.

"Plase tlk to me."

"I'm sorry, Raghav. I know I said very hurtful things to you. It's just tha-" "We'll talk about it in person Jaanki." "Raghav, I can't stay without talking to you for 2 months. It affects me a lot. Please, I'm not able to do anything. You are everything to me, and I can't bear your ignorance any longer. I know, I fucked up, but please, don't give me such a long punishment." My rambling was cut off by him saying, "I'm going to talk to you, Jaanki. I'm going to talk every day. I just needed some time. I want us to sort out our issues in person. Even I can't function while ignoring you. It's difficult for me also. I'm not angry, but I am hurt, and we will talk about it when I'm back. Until then, take care of yourself. I'll call you every day, but now I have some work, so I have to go." His words calmed me down. "Okay, call me when you are free." He cut the call, and I sat down on my chair. I hurt him. And he was being so mature. I wanted to slap my past self for spewing utter nonsense.

"Raani sahib, Arjun sir has asked you to come down as the wedding card design has to be finalized." My staff said, interrupting my thoughts. I nodded and got up to leave towards the meeting room. Arjun, Aashi, Viraj bhai, Sakshi, and Gayatri were all seated there, waiting for me. I made my way to them and got seated. Aashi and Arjun were looking at card designs while Viraj bhai and Sakshi were lost in their own world. Gayatri was the only one who acknowledged me, and so, I gave her a smile. "Did you guys finalize anything?" I asked, making Arjun and Aashi look at me. "Not yet, Bhabhi, but can you look at the content of the card once," Arjun said, passing me the sheet with the content on it. I nodded, grabbing the sheet. Everything was fine except one thing that I noticed. "Why is it written that the invitation is from me and Raghav? Traditionally, it's just supposed to be from the Maharaj, right?" I said, pointing to the bottom of the sheet, where it was written from Maharani Jaanki Rajvansh and Maharaj Raghav Rajvansh. "Yes, but Raghav insisted on it," Viraj bhai said.

"But won't the council make a mess?" I said, making them ponder. "What was written on your wedding invitation, Jaanki? Both the late Maharaj and Maharani's names or just the Maharaj's?" Gayatri asked. "Actually, woh, Raghav's and mine's wedding happened in a hurry, so there weren't any invitations. We got married in a temple, actually," I said, making Gayatri turn her head towards me. "Really? Why so?" She further asked, but I just shrugged, saying, "It's a long story." "But we want to know. Even we don't know the exact circumstances of your marriage and aapki kahani toh sunni hi hai," Sakshi insisted. I tried to oppose, but all of them were adamant, and I had to give in. Our wedding story was complex and, well,  interesting. "Okay, but it's gonna take a while," I warned, and Viraj bhai said, "All of us are very jobless today, aren't we guys," looking at the others, and all of them nodded their heads. I gave up and realized I was going to have to share that story with them today. 

"We have to listen to your story."

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