The plot

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Here you go, guys. Double update!!!!!

Author's POV

It had been 4 weeks to the conference, and Jaanki and Raghav were going strong. They would discuss various topics and were amicable. They were planning to get engaged the following month. They had decided to announce their decision to their councils the following week. Jaanki was in her office working on the launch of the new collection at Poshak. They had just over 3 months before fashion week. It was 2:30 am at night, and she was working with her team in the office. A man barged into her cabin, huffing. "I have some very important matter to discuss." Jaanki looked at him and instructed her team to leave for their houses. This man was Varun, the only member of the council loyal to her. If he said there was something important, she knew it was important. "Please take a seat, Varunji." "There's no time, Rajkumari. The council is plotting against you," he said in a single breath. Jaanki frowned. "What do you mean?" "They know about your plan to get engaged to the Maharaj of Madhavgarh. They know you want to buy time. They don't want the alliance to happen. They wanted someone they can control, but they can't control or influence you or the Maharj of Madhavgarh." Jaanki stilled for a moment before slumping onto the chair. She had been betrayed. Someone told them.

She didn't have time to think about who did it. She had to focus on solving the issue first. "What is their plan?" "They have corroborated with your cousin and a few members of the council of Madhavgarh. They want to make your cousin the king by invoking the law that female heirs must be married by 21, or else the cousin can claim the throne." "What? That hasn't been used in ages," Jaanki said. "Yes, but it still exists, and then they can claim they have given you 7 more years to make the decision." Jaanki held her head, thinking of various scenarios. "Why is the council of Madhavgarh involved in this?" Jaanki asked, frowning. "Few of the members have always wanted more power than the Maharaj had allowed and hence want to overthrow him. They want to pull support by claiming that he's using you, promising you an alliance, and taking advantage of you. They want to show him as an opportunist who uses women."

Jaanki went blank. She knew she could trust no one in her court anymore. She asked Varun to leave. She did the only thing she could think of. She called Raghav. He answered the call and said "Rajkumari, is everything fine? Is there a reason you've called me at this time?" Jaanki stayed quiet for some time. "Rajkumari?" "Yes, I'm here. I need to tell you something very important." Jaanki proceeded to tell him everything. There was silence on the line. "Are you sure?" he asked. "Yes, he's a trustworthy source. But I would request you to verify. I'm not sure if I can trust anyone anymore." She didn't know what to believe anymore. Raghav, too, was stunned. Such an elaborate scheme to overthrow him was being planned, and he had no idea. "Rajkumari, I'm going to verify this and call you. I urge you to act as if you know nothing until we are sure." Jaanki agreed. She knew she couldn't let them know she was aware of their plan. She walked out of her cabin and found Varun waiting there.

She wasn't sure if she could trust even him anymore. She decided to keep him locked in the office. She had to be sure. What if he was a double agent? She just couldn't take any chances. The legacy her parents had built was at stake. Her hard work and sacrifices were at stake. Varun understood her and agreed to stay at the office. He looked at her with pity. She isolated him in a room and provided him with all necessities but cut off all communication networks. Raghav was taken aback by all the information he got. He was at his home with his siblings in his office room. He informed them about what he found out. Arjun immediately got to verify the information. Sakshi was trying to get any information she could from her sources. No sooner was the information verified. A plan to overthrow Raghav was indeed being plotted. They had to work fast. They didn't have long before the plan was put into action. They found out through their sources that the plan was to be implemented the next day.

Raghav called Jaanki. She was sitting in her office going through the rules of succession to find any loopholes to get her out of the situation. Her phone rang, and she instantly picked it up. "It's all true, Rajkumari. And we don't have time. They are planning to do all this tomorrow." Jaanki was stumped. What could she do in less than 12 hours? "What are we going to do, Maharaj?" "First, I'm going to come to Mewar, and then we can discuss it." "I'm at the Poshak office." "Okay, I'll be there in some time." Raghav ended the call and asked Sakshi to arrange the chopper. The 3 of them would go. Jaanki was trying her best not to panic. She pulled out all the books on succession, trying to find a way out. Raghav, Arjun, and Sakshi reached the Poshak office and moved towards Jaanki's cabin. They found a man locked in the room beside her cabin. Raghav opened her cabin door only to find Jaanki surrounded by books, trying to look for something. She was all alone. That's when it hit him. She truly had no one.

He could at least lean on his siblings, but she was alone. Jaanki looked to find the 3 of them standing. "Please come in." The 3 of them walked in. Arjun and Sakshi introduced themselves. "Who's the man in the room, Rajkumari?" Raghav asked. "That's the man who told me about the plot. I just can't trust anyone at the moment, so I decided to keep him here until we deal with this." Raghav nodded understandingly. Raghav looked around to find books about Mewar's succession rules and realized what she was trying to find. "Did you find anything?" he asked her. "No, I have only 2 options. I either marry or let that bastard take away everything I've worked my ass off to build and preserve." Raghav nodded. The 4 of them got seated. There was silence for a while. None of them knew what they could do. 

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