You are Mine

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Raghav's POV

She shared a lot about her breakdown. But I could sense it wasn't everything. She wasn't telling me something. I didn't want to push her anymore. So I let her be. She shared something about her past with me for the first time. I realized it today, that I knew nothing about her past. I never asked and she never shared. I felt guilty for never asking. I knew the kind of person she was. She was hyper independent. She was so used to dealing with everything alone, that she never shared anything herself. She was different from Arjun and Sakshi. They came running to me when they has issues. Jaanki was like me. She made sure to ask me so I shared, but I never asked and she never said. I would change that from now.

I heard her slurp up the ramen, looking so engrossed and concentrated. She was so cute. Jaanki looked all sophisticated and prim, but if you observed her from close enough, you would know that she's clumsy. She would always spill something on her clothes whenever she ate something with a broth. She would always scrunch her nose when she didn't like something. She had a goofy smile around animals. She loves puppies. She watches cute baby videos at night. She was adorable. I observed everything about her. She didn't know it, of course. I was subtle. I feel like now it's high time I stop being subtle. I wanted her to know, I saw her. I wanted her to know that I too knew everything about her little habits, just like she knew about me.

"Cold ramen tastes bad," she commented, making me realize I was staring at her. I quickly got to eating my bowl. I paid for the food and we left. She was finally letting me pay after I told her I was paying for my child. Otherwise, she insisted that the person who wanted to eat out would pay. I liked pampering her. I liked doing things for her, so, I always found ways to do them. I saw Gayatri sitting on the couch as soon as we entered into the palace. "You spoke to the advocate?" I asked. "Yes, he just left. Thank you." "Ab tu mujhe thanks bolegi?" "Tujhe kaun bol raha hai, I'm thanking Jaanki," she said. I could see Jaanki glaring at me from the corner of my eyes. What did I do? "You don't have to thank me, Gayatri." Jaanki said and proceeded towards our room, but not before giving me a glare.

"You're gonna thank me now?" "Who's thanking you? I'm thanking Jaanki." 

I didn't know what I'd done to anger her but I followed her anyhow, not wanting to let her be mad at me any longer. As soon as I entered the room, I was pinned to the wall, with Jaanki's lips on mine. I was shocked. I stood still, unable to process anything. I broke out of my trance as she bit my bottom lip. I kissed her back trying to take the lead, but she wasn't letting me. Damn, she's so hot. "I don't know what got into you, but I'm not complaining," I said, separating us. "Shut up," she hissed and continued devouring me. She slowly started pushing me towards then bed while unbuttoning my shirt. I couldn't help by roam my hand all over her, one of my hands gripping her ass. She pushed me onto the bed and got on top of me, straddling me. She let go of my lips and looked at me with her eyes filled with anger and lust. "You are mine, Raghav. And I don't share." Possessiveness was oozing out of her voice.

She sounded so sexy. I loved possessive Jaanki. She was so unhinged. She started kissing and biting my throat, making me moan. I'm sure she left marks. She starting moving herself on top of me, humping me. I couldn't help but let out a groan. "You are so sexy, Baby," I grunted. She kept going. I tried to remove her top, but she stopped me. "You don't get to do anything today. You will listen to me," she commanded. She continued her assault on my neck while humping me. "Aah, baby, don't stop." I held onto her hips, moving her faster. She was moaning into my ear and that didn't help. All I wanted right now, was to flip her over and take her. She didn't let me do that, instead kissed me, harder than before. "Baby, ahh, Jaanki, I'm close." "Me too, Raghav," she said, increasing her speed. It wasn't long before both of us came with a moan. "You belong to me," she said, panting, pulling me by the collar of my shirt that was now open. "Yes baby, I am yours," I panted. "You better remember that." She got up, trying to make her way to the bathroom. I held her hand stopping her. "You can't leave me like this, Jaanki. Not after what you just pulled." "Except I can," she said and made her way to the bathroom, leaving me all hot and bothered. I will get back at her for this.

She walked out the bathroom after her shower while I sat there uncomfortably because of the problem she created. "You need a cold shower, I suppose," she teased. I looked at her annoyed. "And whose fault is that?" She chuckled and moved towards the mirror to dry her hair. What got into her earlier? I mean, I'm not complaining but it's not usual for her to get this possessive. I did enjoy it and I would love for her to get possessive more often, but what happened to trigger that reaction? I realized I was staring at her when she winked at me through the mirror, making me go red. I left for the bathroom, hurriedly, with a slight blush on my face. I didn't know I could blush. I also didn't know what had gotten into her. But whatever it was, I was enjoying it. 

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