Raghav Rajvansh

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Hey guys!! I got an idea for a new book. Of course, I'll be working on it after I finish updating this. But I've written the description and uploaded the aesthetics. It has been published. I would love if you all could read the description and comment what yall think.

Thank you for reading!!

Author's POV

"They will be kept alive for a while," Jaanki commented. "What are you planning?" Raghav asked. "If you agree, I want to merge kingdoms." Raghav looked at her, shocked. It was not a small decision she was making. This meant he would officially be the king and would have actual power. Of course, he would make sure she made the decisions, but she didn't know that. Why did she trust him so much? "As long as I keep Mewar independent, this will keep happening. Even after we have an heir, they would still plot until his/ her adulthood. We would have to do this then. I would much rather do it now and not deal with all this." She was not wrong. He knew this would always be an issue and cause instability for the people of Mewar. "But it will take a lot of time, Jaanki." "Yes, I will have a temporary council until we do this. But we need to do this at the earliest." He agreed. "The news must've spread to Madhavgarh, right? Your council must've been alarmed."

Raghav knew that, and that's why he sent Arjun and Sakshi back. They would hold the betrayers until he came. "No one will be spared," he said. She could see he had a plan. They got into the car to travel to the airport and get to Madhavgarh. They sat in silence until Jaanki broke it, asking for water. Raghav shared with her the reasons for asking for time and that he couldn't promise her love. Janaki was a little stunned, but she respected his honesty. Of course, she wanted love in her life. She never had it after all, but he promised her something that would be enough for her.

He promised her care, respect, and loyalty. She knew love wasn't enough to sustain a marriage. There were more things that made the marriage successful, and he promised her all of them. She knew he was a good man and that he would keep his word. And about love, she knew she was falling for him, and that was enough for her. He didn't have to love her as long as he respected her. Respect was very important to her. She knew that someone who respected her would respect the relationship, and they would have a happy marriage. Maybe not a loving one, but a happy one, and she was satisfied with that. She knew she would end up in love with him, and her love would be enough. They reached the council of Medhavgarh as both of them were lost in their thoughts.

They both got out of the car and proceeded towards the council building. The calm mood they were in soon changed. Raghav was pissed. He was angry beyond reason. His council dared even to think they could overthrow him. Jaanki could see that he was fuming. Both of them walked into the council room to find all the council members standing with Arjun and Sakshi. Most of them looked utterly confused as to why they had been summoned so suddenly. But there were a few whose faces couldn't hide their nerves. Raghav could sense the tension. Arjun and Sakshi were standing in the center of the room while the rest of the council sat on their seats on elevated platforms to the sides of the rooms. Raghav proceeded towards the throne in the middle of the room to the wall and sat on it. He looked like a predator.

Jaanki could see why people called him ruthless. She thought of those talks as mere gossip. The man was nothing but kind and respectful to her. She couldn't fathom why people thought him to be scary, but now she could see it. She only wished she would never be the reason behind his anger. But for now, she was more interested in watching her king shred the conspirators to pieces. Raghav looked down at the council from his throne. They could see that their king was angry. "Who was it?" Raghav said, his voice low but dangerous. There was no answer. Jaanki joined Sakshi and Arjun. "Don't make me repeat myself. I know some of you dared to conspire against the throne. Come forward before I call you out," he roared. There was an audible gasp in the room. The council started whispering about this newfound information. They couldn't believe it. Was there a conspiracy?

"SILENCE," Raghav growled. "Arjun, present the proof to the council. Looks like they don't want to come forward themselves," he ordered. Arjun nodded and moved to the center of the room. He proceeded to uncover the conspiracy in front of everyone. He detailed how they planned to defame Raghav and take over the throne. The council seemed appalled. Finally, Arjun revealed the names of the conspirators. There was shock on everyone's faces. Raghav, too, looked a little taken aback. The 5 men in question were from families that were the most loyal to the throne. They were considered to be the closest. Raghav ordered the guards to drag them in front of him. Raghav felt betrayed in the worst way possible. These men were supposed friends of his father. He couldn't help but think if they had something to do with their deaths. But that was something he would think of later.

"Is there something you want to say in your defense?" Raghav asked. "Maharaj, how can you persecute us and not show any proof? We haven't done anything," they tried defending. "Are you insinuating that Rajkumar Arjun, my brother, is lying?" Raghav questioned, his eyes red. "No, no, Maharaj, that's not-," "Arjun, display the evidence. They dared to imply that we were persecuting them without evidence." Arjun, too, was beyond angry at this point. He proceeded to display all the chats on screen. He played voice recordings of them talking to members of Jaanki's council. Further, a few witnesses, who happened to be their security personnel, were brought forward. This left no question as to the guilt of these men. They were left with nothing to say to cover up their crimes. They had underestimated the royal family.

They didn't expect them to be so quick to catch them. They had gotten a call from Mewar informing them that their scheme had been uncovered, but before they could cover their tracks, Arjun and Aashi had arrived. They knew they couldn't do anything now. They were also aware that Raghav and Jaanki had gotten married. They knew how calculating she was. If manipulating and deceiving Raghav was difficult, the both of them together would be a force to be reckoned with. They only hoped that Arjun and Aashi wouldn't find enough proof, but, alas, those twins were sharp. They saw right through them, and now they could see their end nearby. Raghav ordered them to be thrown in prison and dismissed the council. He slumped onto the throne once everyone left. Arjun and Aashi left for the palace, saying they wanted to make arrangements to welcome their bhabhi, leaving Jaanki and Raghav alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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