The Misunderstanding

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Jaanki's POV

Arjun and Aashi were being cute as always. Aashi was snuggled into Arjun while he was playing with her hair, both completely unaware of anyone looking at them. Arjun was all shy and prim in front of everyone, but he made sure to spoil and baby Aashi in private. They were just adorable. I left them to it and made my way to have food. I checked the refrigerator, the cabinets, everything. But I didn't feel like eating anything. I was never a picky eater. But pregnancy brought out all these cravings, which I didn't know how to satisfy. I tried my best not to pay these cravings any attention but I just couldn't anymore.

So I called him. "Raghav," I said softly, trying to gauge his mood. "Yes, Raani sahib," he replied, almost coddling me. "Woh, actually, I, I want to." I didn't know how to tell him in between his office day that I wanted something to eat. "Kya baat hai, Jaanki?" he asked. "I want to eat mutton roganjosh." I blurted out, and there was silence before I heard a laugh across the mobile. "Don't laugh," I whined. "I'm laughing because I find you cute." I moaned in annoyance. "Accha, Accha, I'm getting it home in 10 minutes." He consoled me, and I agreed.

"What is it, Jaanki?"

Exactly 10 minutes later, Raghav was in front of me with mutton, raw mutton. "I want to eat cooked mutton, Raghav." "I'm going to make it for you. Did you really think I'll let you eat food from outside?" "But I'm hungry now," I whispered. He pinched my cheeks, annoying me. "Don't Raghav," I said with a poker face. "Raani sahib, the cooks have already prepped everything; it'll just be 40 minutes before you get your mutton Rogan josh." I nodded and sat down, waiting for my food. Raghav was a great chef. He seldom cooked, but whenever he did, there were no leftovers.

Soon, Raghav arrived with rice and the curry, served on a plate. "Here you go. Dig in." I didn't have to be told twice. I started gobbling up the delicious curry. I almost completed the whole bowl in a sitting. Raghav sat beside me, just looking at me eating. As I was done with my food, it dawned upon me. How much trouble Raghav must've gone through just because I couldn't control my cravings? "I'm sorry, Raghav," I apologized, looking guilty. "Why?" He asked, looking confused. "You must've left work and come home, and for what? To cook me a curry because of my stupid cravings." "Don't ever apologize for it, Jaanki. Nothing is more important than taking care of you and our child. You are carrying our child. You've had to deal with morning sickness. Your body is changing, not mine. I'm sure you are annoyed more than anyone else. Yet you don't complain. You take care of yourself and everyone at home without complaining. The least I could do is take care of you, support you, and try my best to make you feel better."

I looked at him, thankfully, and nodded my head. He went up to the office to complete the work that he had left pending because he had come home to take care of me. I, too, proceeded towards my office room to deal with the council of Mewar. They kept raising concerns for an heir. We didn't make the fact that I was pregnant public yet. We wanted the first trimester to pass. Councils of both the states often bugged us about the heir issue. According to them, I was of an older age, and it made them uncomfortable that we didn't have a child yet. It hadn't even been a year to our marriage yet and they wanted an heir. I do accept that I am of an older age than most queens, given that most of them get married as young as 21. I was aware of female biology, and both my husband and I knew that I had a limited window. But given technology today, we could have children later as well. I don't get their hurry. But look at destiny. I was carrying our baby.

Initially, I was scared and a little tensed, but as days passed, I was getting more comfortable. My phone dinged, breaking my train of thought, and I got started on my work. I was almost done replying to all the emails when I heard a knock on the door. "Come in." Gayatri walked in with a small smile. "Hey, is there something I can help you with?" I asked. "Why? Can't I come talk to you if I don't have any work?" I smiled at her teasing tone and gestured for her to sit down. "Did I disturb you?" "No, I'm done with my work. I was about to come down myself." She nodded. "But why aren't you spending time with Raghav? You're not going to be able to see him for 2 months after all," she asked, making me look at her surprised.

What does she mean? Why wouldn't I see him for 2 months? I didn't want her to know that I was clueless, so I nodded my head and left for my room. Raghav was already in the room, on call, instructing his secretary to arrange a flight for tonight. I was beyond angry. He didn't think it was important to tell me, but he told her. It angered me beyond belief. I waited for him to end the call. As soon as he ended the call, my patience broke. "When were you going to tell me?" He turned around, startled. "Jaanki, I was going to call you," He said, not realizing my rage. "Of course you were," I scoffed. "What happened? Why are you using that tone?" "What else do you want me to do? You decided you were going god knows where for 2 months, and you didn't think it was important to tell me. I'm sorry, but I don't know which other tone I should use," I roared.

I could sense that he was surprised. I never raised my voice at anyone. But that didn't mean I couldn't get angry. "Calm down, Jaanki." He walked toward me, trying to hold me by my arms. I didn't let him. "No, Raghav. I can't calm down. I don't want to learn from others about your plans. I am your wife, and I am the first person you should be discussing this with." "Yes, Jaanki, I was going to discuss this with you first." "Oh please, don't lie. You already discussed it with the person who's important to you." I spewed very hurtful words, and I knew it. But my anger overtook my reason. "What are you saying, Jaanki?" Now, he, too, looked angry. "You can't get angry, Raghav. Only I have that right today. Did you or Did you not discuss this with Gayatri first?" "I did not want to. She was in the garden when I got the call, and that's how she found out." Normally, I would understand that, but today, my rage was hell-bent on being destructive.

"Come on, Raghav. Both of us know you still love her. Of course, you would want to tell her everything. I am nothing more than a responsibility you are bound to fulfill. Why would you even think it's important to tell me something?" His eyes darkened as soon as I uttered those words. He slowly walked towards me and stopped right in front of me. I could feel his ragged breath on my face. I looked right into his eyes, challenging him. "Think before you speak, Jaanki." "I'm not intimidated by you, Raghav. I know I'm speaking the truth. You love her and not me. You did tell that to me when we got married and I was okay with it. But I am not now. I AM YOUR WIFE, and I wanted to be treated as such." I heaved as I was out of breath from all the shouting. Raghav stood patiently, looking right into my eyes. "Are you done?" He waited for a beat and continued. "Now I am going to speak, and you will listen. I'm not even sure I want to explain myself to you. You just went ahead and said whatever came to your mind. I thought we understood each other better than this." I felt my eyes water as soon as those words left his mouth, but I controlled myself. 

"Did I ever make you feel like you weren't my wife? Did I ever make you feel secondary to anyone?" I couldn't think of a single instance. "You just went ahead and assumed whatever you wanted. I did not expect this from you, Jaanki. I didn't think you, out of everyone, would misunderstand me. Yes, I am going to Italy for 2 months. I got a call just now. The business there needs me." I just stared at him, guilt slowly consuming me. "I'm telling you all of this because you are my wife, and my wife deserves to know. But I am beyond hurt at how you've assumed whatever you wanted." He left the room saying that, leaving me to soak in whatever he said. 

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