The Talk

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Author's POV

Raghav woke up to the sound of birds chirping and sunlight hitting his face. He groaned and rolled off the bed. His mood didn't remain sour for long, though. He could see the view of Mewar from the balcony just opposite his bed. It was breathtaking. He could get married to Jaanki just for the beauty of this kingdom, he thought. He moved to the balcony and leaned on the railing to admire the view. He could hear the hustling of the staff to get things in order. He looked down and saw Jaanki sitting in the garden, drinking her morning tea and instructing her staff. He could see she was tensed. He knew what a mammoth task organizing the trade conference was. He had to do this just 2 years ago. Just as he was lost in his thoughts, his eyes met that of Jaanki's. She gave him a smile, and he returned, and she got back to work. He, too, walked in to get ready for the day. He knew it was going to be a long day. He had to talk about the marriage proposal today.

Jaanki was dressed for the day. She had chosen to wear a saree today to showcase the handloom of Mewar. These conferences were a great place to promote crafts as well. They helped boost exports. Today, various kingdoms that wished to strike deals would have meetings separately. She had a similar meeting with Raghav today. She knew she had to talk about the proposal. She prepared herself mentally and walked towards the room allocated to them. She found Raghav already in the room, waiting. "I apologize. Am I late?" she said apologetically. "Not at all, Rajkumari. I was here before time," he assured her. Both of them got seated and started with the discussion on the specifics of the deal. Reaching a consensus was easy for them. Both of them wanted a fair deal and were willing to give a fair deal. Both of them were fair and just rulers. The meeting didn't take very long, and that left them with a lot of time to discuss the proposal.

 The meeting didn't take very long, and that left them with a lot of time to discuss the proposal

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Jaanki's look

Jaanki asked her secretary to give her privacy, and Raghav followed suit. They both were left alone in the room. "I'm sure you are aware that Madhavgarh has sent a proposal your way regarding an alliance between us." Raghav broke the ice. "Yes, I am Maharaj." "I think it is something we can think about, Rajkumari." Raghav was a practical man. He could see Jaanki was a good woman. She had all the qualities of a great queen. Further, he could see how she treated her staff and was sure someone who treated her staff so well would be good to his family as well. He wasn't ready for marriage, yes, but he knew he had to get married. He wanted someone mature, and he knew he could not find anyone better. "I am of the same opinion, Maharaj. I'm sure you are aware of my situation. I don't have much time before the council comes for my throne." "I know. I, too, am in a similar position. I need to get married before I turn 30." Both of them looked at each other.

"But, Rajkumari, I don't want just to get married for my kingdom. I, too, must live with the person for the rest of my life. I'm sure you, too, have certain expectations of the man you would marry." Jaanki gained more respect for the man. He wasn't trying to make this business deal. He valued relations and wanted to build a genuine one. "Maharaj, I'm happy we are on the same page. I would never want to get married just for the kingdom. That would make both my and your life unbearable. I would want to be married to someone I'm compatible with, and your personality has gained immense respect from me." "I second that. You have always had my respect, but after observing your statesmanship, I have newfound respect for you. But I must tell you, I'm not ready to get married so soon." Jaanki looked at him, confused. She had to get married; she had no choice.

"We could get engaged first and then buy ourselves some time to get to know each other." Raghav made sense, but she wasn't sure her council wouldn't plot something. "I agree with you, Maharaj, but you must know that my cousin, who has a claim to the throne, isn't willing to wait. I'm not sure I have time." Her worry was valid. Raghav could only imagine her pressure. She had to get married or watch her hard work being snatched by some hooligan. "I understand you, Rajkumari. I promise you I will support you fully in dealing with your council. We can tell them we wish to be engaged until we figure out a way to work out the details of the alliance between the kingdoms." He made sense, and she somehow felt she could trust him, and that didn't happen often. She trusted no one. And he making her trust so easily was a good sign. She looked at him and nodded. They both knew they could manage. Only if they knew what was lying ahead. Both of them decided to keep their decision under wraps until the conference ended so as not to let the kings know about it, not giving them a chance to plot anything.

An alliance between Mewar and Madhavgarh would be a threat to the other kingdoms. Both were very influential kingdoms, and Jaanki and Raghav were strong leaders. Their alliance would create a power center and they wouldn't like that. Jaanki and Raghav were smart and made sure not to let anything slip out. They kept in touch for the 2 days through text and calls but avoided meeting when there were no events scheduled. Even at events, they just exchange pleasantries. The conference came to an end and was successful. The kings had left for their kingdoms. Raghav, too, left. He knew she was a good woman. And he liked how they were taking this. They had decided to take a month to get to know each other before announcing to their councils their intention of getting engaged.

It had been a week to the conference, and Raghav and Jaanki were going strong. They were talking to each other and getting to know each other. Jaanki was growing an attraction for Raghav. She liked him. He was a kind and just man. She loved the way he loved his family. He had spoken to her about his siblings a few times, and she could sense his love for them. She would love to be a part of that family, she thought. Raghav was impressed with her as well. He was sure she would be a great addition to his family. He could sense that underneath her hard exterior, she was a very caring woman. He still needed time before marrying her because he still couldn't forget Gayatri, his first love. But he knew if there were anyone he wanted to marry other than Gayatri, it would be Jaanki. She was everything and more than he could ever ask for. But both of them were unaware that their bliss wouldn't last long. Schemes were brewing behind them. They would soon realize they didn't have the one thing they wanted: time.

Guys, please leave comments so that I can get some feedback. So far, I'm just assuming you found the story alright. Please let me know what you all think. 

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