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If you read the last chapter's author's note, you would have read that I'm creating a story revolving around band, marching band to be more precise. But it's a cliché story about two people who don't get along at all. This boy named Mason gets the position of being drum major (head of the band for those who don't know) and it goes to his head. Annabelle is an awkward girl who's found her home with the band. Tension has always been between the two, but this story puts it to the test.
It's really corny story about people finding out who they really are and who they really trust. But I ensure you that it will be like no other story!
I just posted the first chapter of the story and I'd be honoured if you could check it out and vote for it! It's title is 'Band Camp' for obvious reasons, but I hope you enjoy it is you decide to check it out! I'm sorry for using this story as a shameless plug, but I want to branch out to people.
New chapters for this story will be coming in the near future though!
Make it lovely and be nice to People! -EEO

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