Chapter 11

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One week later

I wake up with the feeling of sickness. I run to my bathroom and I start to throw up. I sit in the bathroom for about thirty minutes until I feel okay and my alarm goes off.

I stand up and I turn off my alarm, and I start to get dressed. Uriah and I are officially dating now, and I feel batter about the whole Four thing. I'm starting to get over him, and I like it.

I get dressed in a black tank top and black skinny jeans. I throw on my boots and I start on my hair. I curl my hair in loose curls, then I start my normal makeup routine. I walk out the door and I get into my truck. Four is on his Motorcycle when I'm outside and we make brief eye contact, but he looks away.

I arrive at school and I'm greeted by everyone and I get a kiss by Uriah. Four is about ten feet away and he just stares at us. I feel bad, but I'm over him, I think. When I arrive to class, I am informed that we are starting a partner project. The project is over teen pregnancy and why we shouldn't get pregnant at our age. I look at the sheet and I find out who my partner is. Four. He told me he doesn't want me in his life, so he won't be too happy. He looks at the paper then stiffly walks back to his seat. “Okay, you should all know your partners, so go and sit with your partner,” our teacher announces. Four and I already sit next to each other, so we don't have to move. “So when and where do you want to work on the project?” “Your house,” he says without looking at me, “at six.” “Okay,” I say softly looking at my feet. The rest of the day is a blur.

I invited Christina to come over after school just to hang out before Four came.

She arrives and we sit on my bed. “So today's been great! I started the morning puking nonstop and I got paired up with Four for the project. “Wait, you got sick this morning?” “Yeah, why?” “You know how you and Uriah 'did it', could you be pregnant?” I shake my head. “No, I can't be, I mean I could, but I don't know.”

She stands up and walks to my parents room. They said that they aren't coming back home and they're staying where they went on their trip, so I have the house by myself. Christina comes back with a pregnancy test. “Take it, so we can find out,” she says looking at me with a smirk that reads that she's happy or sad. I can't tell. “Okay, I'll be back.” I enter the bathroom and I follow the instructions. I think that's the longest few minutes I've had in my life.


I feel the tears streaming down my cheek. I'm too young. I'm only 17, and I'm pregnant. I walk out of the bathroom and Christina runs up to me. She engulfs me in a hug and I start to sob. “Should I be happy or sad right now?” I look her in the eyes. “Happy! You and Uriah have created a small human, and it's beautiful!”



“I don't know if I even love Uriah.”

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