Chapter 15

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I wake up and something feels different. I look at my hand, and I remember everything. Tobias proposed to me yesterday and our little baby Reyna was born. I stretch as I sit up in bed then I get up. I head to Reyna's room so I can feed her. I get the bottle ready and I put it on the table. I pick up Reyna who is still a little dazed so I tickle her chin so she will wake up.

She wakes up and I give her the bottle. She drinks it really fast for a newborn. When she's done, I just sway her in my arms. I head to the living room and I turn on the TV. I watch it for awhile, but there's not much on at six in the morning.

I get up and I put Reyna in her crib. I get up and I start to make myself, and Tobias when he wakes up, breakfast. I start to make some eggs, then I put the bread in the toaster. I start to put the food on the plates, then Tobias walks in. He kisses the top of my head, then grabs his plate.

I head over to the table and I start to eat. We eat in silence, but not an awkward silence, a peaceful one. I get up and I grab my plate and I rinse it off. I head to our room and I get changed. I walk back to Tobias who is in his boxers on the couch. “Can you watch Reyna Today while I go shopping with Christina?” He nods his head, “Sure, What are you shopping for?” I shrug my shoulders, “Christina never told me.” He boss and then leans forward and kisses me. I kiss back with more force and I deepen the kiss.

I get dressed in black skinny jeans and a black sweater. I throw on some boots, and put my hair in a messy bun. I swipe on some eyeliner and I'm ready to go.

Christina arrives shortly after, then walks inside. Tobias hands her Reyna and she sways her peacefully. “She is truly beautiful,” she tells me then looks at Reyna, tickling her chest. “We best be going ,” she tells Tobias and I, then she drags me to the car. “Where are we going?” She smiles, “Wedding dress shopping of course!” she squeals. I roll my eyes, “We just got engaged yesterday Chris!” She smiles.

We walk into the store and there are so many dresses. I look around at all of them. I grab a few and I head to get changed into them. The first one is Strapless with a sweetheart neckline with a tool skirt. I smile. I walk out to Christina and she smiles. “You look beautiful Tris,” she says with tears forming in her eyes. “I know,” I say as I let a tear of happiness fall. “I love it, and I can't wait to marry Tobias,” I say as I wipe away the tear. “This is the dress, I live it!” We purchase the dress and we drive home.

When I get home I hang my dress in the closet in my old room. Tobias and I sleep in my parents old room since it's bigger. “Tobias?” He looks at me. “What?” He smiles. “Why doesn't Reyna look like Uriah?” He shakes his head. “I don't know.” He kisses my forehead. “She looks like you more than anything, but she can't be yours, I mean-” but I just trail off. It all floods back into my memory.

The night Tobias and I were kissing in the locker rooms in the shower, we, you know, did it.

Uriah might not be the father, and Tobias might be.

“Tobias...” He just looks at me, “Yes?” “The night we were making out in the locker room shower's, we, did it. He just stares. A smile lights up across his face. “Tris, I might be her father! Tris, this is great!” He just engulfs me in a hug. We walk up to Reyna's room and we look at her. “She looks a lot like you Tobias.” I just smile at the fact that she is ours.

She has a crooked nose and deep blue eyes from Tobias. She has blonde hair from me. She's both of us. I just stare at her them Tobias. I kiss his cheek and then Reyna's forehead. Tobias does the same, my cheek then her forehead. He's a good father, even when we didn't know she was his child at first.

Reyna's taking her nap right now, so Tobias and I walk into the living room and we sit on the couch. “When should we have the wedding?” He scratches his neck, “I don't know, in a year, I want Reyna to be a part of it.” He smiles. “I want Zeke to be my best man,” he smirks at that. “And I want Christina to be my maid of honor.” I kiss his cheek, but he grabs my face and kisses my lips softly. “I love you Beatrice.”

“Did you just call me Beatrice?”

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