Chapter 12

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I'm crying into Christina's chest when there's a knock on the door. I get up and I wipe my tears away and I open the door. Four stands there looking at the ground, then at me. He frowns.

“I'm sorry Four, I don't think I can do this today, we can do it another day, sorry,” then I start sobbing.

“What did I do? I do everything else,” he tells me in an angry tone. “Don't yell at me! It's not your fault! It's Uriah's! Just please go,” And I close the door, bit Four puts his foot in the way, so I can't shut it. He opens the door back up and engulfs me in a hug. Does he still care about me?

“What happened? ” he uses his soothing voice that calms me down. “I-,” I stumble to get the words out, “I'm pregnant.” His eyes widen.

I dip my face into his chest and I start to sob. I realise I don't love Uriah, I was using him to get over Four. I still love Four, wait I don't love Four, I love Tobias.

“Shhhh, you're okay, calm down,” he's now stroking my hair. “Four, I don't love Uriah, I love you,” I look into his blue eyes that are looking sad. “Tris, I've never stopped loving you, but I just can't, I'll talk to you later,” then he kisses me on the cheek and walks away.

“Christina, do you think he'll want me back?” “I don't know, but we need to tell Uriah, It is his Child after all.” “But I don't love him, I don't want to be with him, even if he is the baby's father.” “I'll call him,” she tells me with a reassuring smile. I nod.

About fifteen minutes later, Uriah arrives. He comes up to me and tries to kiss me but I push him away. “Uriah, I'm pregnant,” I say looking into his brown eyes, “but I'm not in love with you.” That's when I break down into tears. “Tris, I-,” but I cut him off. “I'm so sorry, I want you to be involved in our kids life, but I don't love you, and we can't be together.” his eyes become glassy, but he blinks it away.

“I don't want to be involved in our  kids life if you're just going to say that you don't love me.” “I'm sorry Uriah, but I can't be with you. I only love one person. I thought I loved you, but I didn't. I'm sorry!” He stands up and walks to the door and leaves, slamming the door. I break down, and Christina is there with me. My child isn't going to have a father. I don't want to raise my child by myself. I tell Christina to leave because I need time to think.

I run up to my room to see I have a message from Tobias.

I still love you

I smile and I text back.

Uriah said he won't take care of our child

I don't receive another text from him.

I hear a knock don't the door so I run downstairs and Tobias is there. He grabs my face and kisses me passionately, I kiss back and I feel relieved.

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