Chapter 3

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I was up before my alarm clock and turn it off before it can go off. I run to my closet and grab my clothes. I head to the shower and get cleaned up. I change into my black shorts and black tank top that shows off my new tattoo. I grab my red vans and put them on. I run to my room and put my hair in a sock bun and put a cute black bow in it. I put on foundation, powder, concealer, bronzer, blush, winged eyeliner, mascara, and pink lipstick.

I grab my bag and l go downstairs. I grab a muffin and kiss my parents goodbye and wave to Caleb. I hop in my truck and head to school. I didn't turn on music so I could think about yesterday. Four Smoking, Him seeing me change, and getting a tattoo. I'm becoming a different person and I'm liking it. I'm not Beatrice, I'm Tris.

I get to school to see Four with some friend, Zeke and Uriah, and he's smiling a laughing. When he sees me he smiles then starts talking with his friends again. I walk over to Christina and the boys. They all smiled at my tattoo and we started talking about it.

I walk to my locker to see Four at his locker. “I liked the view last night stiff,” he says with a smirk. I blush, “Can we just forget about that?” “No can do, I enjoyed it, you should do it again sometime,” he says smiling. I blush even more and I walk to science, then I realize that Four's walking next to me. Four gestures at my tattoo,“So when did you get that?” “I got it yesterday, why would you care, I thought you hated me?” I look straight forward and smile.

In Gym, Four sits next to me in the bleachers. I look at him and say,“Why are you being so nice to me all of a sudden?” “Something about you is different, but I don't know what,” he says looking me in the eye.

I ignore the rest of the day and think about what Four said. I drive home and do my usual greetings to my family then I head to my room. I grab my phone and laptop and head to my windowsill. Four is in his windowsill, then I get a text from him.

Four: Hey, wanna give me a show like last night?

Tris: No, I'd Rather not.

Four: Please!

Tris: No, I'm not a whore!

Four: Come over to my room.

Tris: Why?

Four: Because. Just get over here.

Tris: How?

Four: Come to the front door obviously.

Tris: Don't be a smart ass.

Four: Yeah like that will happen.

I close my laptop and touch up my makeup. I go to his front door and knock. A few seconds later he opens the door and he shirtless. I stare at his bare chest, but I try and look away but I can't. I finally get myself to look away and I blush.

We head up to his room and I sit on his bed. “Why did you ask me to come over?” He looks at me and smiles, “I thought it was easier to do it in person then over text,” he say looking me in the eyes. “I thought you hated me,” I say quietly.

“Do you remember what I said earlier?” I nod my head then he sits next to me. “There is something different about you, and I like it.” but before I can say anything, his lips crash on mine and kiss back.

I thought we hated each other, but now we're making out. “Fou-,” but I'm cut off by him. “Don't call me that. Call me Tobias, it's good to hear my name again,” but before I could say anything we're kissing again. We finally stop kissing when he starts to speak, “I gonna go for a smoke, you can stay here or come with me,” he says looking at me. “I'll just stay here,” I say looking at him.

He leaves and I look around his room. I lay down just for a minute, but I fall asleep soon after I lay down.

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