Chapter 19

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I wake up expecting Tobias to be next to me, but he's not. I frown at the thought, then in hear a cry from Reyna's room. I get up and I walk into her room. I change her diaper then a I carry her in my arms downstairs. Tobias is still sleeping so I decide to run Reyna back upstairs so I can make breakfast.

I start to cook some eggs and Toast. I'm not that great of a cook, Tobias did most of the cooking. I see him stir, then he rises. “Good morning Beatrice,” he says in is sleepy voice. It's adorable, he's adorable. I smile at my name. “Good morning Tobias.” He gets up and walks over to me in his boxers. “I'm still thinking about this whole thing.” I nod my head and I finish making the food.

I put the food on the table and we eat in silence. When we finish I gather our plates and I rinse them off in the sink. “I'm going to go and feed Reyna,” I say as I head forwards the steps. “I'll do it, you just relax,” he says walking up the steps.

I want to be close with him again, I want to kiss his lips and curling up in his chest.

He walks back down abut 5 minutes later he comes back downstairs and sits on the couch across from me. He doesn't look at me, only the ground. I feel awful, but I thought he was hiding something from me, and he was. I stand up and I walk up to my room. I change into my bathing suit and I walk downstairs. Tobias stares at me, but quickly moves back to the floor.

I walk outside and I jump into the pool. I just sit there for about am hour. I get out and I dry myself off. I walk into the house and Tobias isn't there. I see a note on the coffee table.


I went out for a walk to clear my head for awhile. I'll be back soon.


I walk up into our room and I get some clothes from my closet. I walk into the bathroom and I begin to change. I walk out in black shorts and a tank top. I look on my nightstand to see a note.


I love you, and I always will. I never want to loose you. I trust you, but you need to trust me. Hopefully you will except this. The notebook was all my past girlfriends, I was going to burn it. Like I said, I wanted to get thing from my past, and now it's in the past.

                   I will always love you,


I looks next to the note to find my engagement ring. I slip it back on to my finger and I just stare at it. In hear a door open and I run downstairs to see a fave I never want to see.


“What do you want Peter?” I spit out his name like venom.

“Did you think you could get rid of me this quick stiff?” I shake my head.

“Get out of my house Peter!”

“Oh look, you're engaged! Let's see how long that will last".” He laughs as he leaves my house.

What did he want?

I run back into our room and I just cry. I hear a door open and shut again, so I run to our bedroom door and I lock it. I try to hide my sobs, but it doesn't work. “Tris, please, I know you're in there,” it's Tobias.

I get up and I unlock the door. I open it and I start to sob into his chest. He rubs small circles on my back to calm me down.

“What happened?” I shake my head trying to forget the thoughts of Peter. “Peter, he came into our house and,” but I can't finish. Peter has done so much emotional damage to me, I feel sick when I talk about him. Tobias kisses my head then asks “Did you get my note?” I nod my head. “And?” he smiles, I nod my head and I kiss him. “I love you Tobias Eaton.”

“I love you Beatrice Prior.”

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