Chapter 14

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I wake up with an urgent pain, and I just lay there. The pain is the worst thing I've ever felt, and I start to groan very loud. “Tobias! The baby's coming!” He jumps out of bed and starts to get dressed. “Here,” he throws me a pair of his shorts and one of his shirts, and we get downstairs and the pain gets worst.

We get in the car and we quickly drive to the hospital. When we arrive we are quickly taken into a room where I get put into a hospital gown, then I'm getting connected to a bunch of machines.

After many hours of the pain and me screaming, it's time. “Okay Tris, it's time to push! Push on three,” the doctor tells me in a calm voice. “One.....Two.....” I squeeze Tobias's hand and I push as hard as I can. The pain feels like I'm being ripped apart. “One more push, okay?” I nod. “One....Two....” I push as hard as I can. I feel like I'm dying, being ripped into pieces. I start to hear crying.

I look up and I see our baby girl. They ask Tobias if he would like to cut the cord, and he nods. About twenty minutes they bring her in. I reach out and I grab her and I bring her close. I kiss her forehead and I just stare at her. She doesn't resemble Uriah at all, not even her skin color. That's odd, but I don't care. I'm just glad she's healthy and here with me.

“What do you want her name to be?”

I look at Tobias then I then back to the woman. “Reyna, Reyna Prior.”

I look in her eyes and they're blue, like a ocean blue color. She adorable, and she's mine. I hand her to Tobias so I can get dressed. They gave mean medicine that heals me faster, so I can be released later today.

A few hours pass and it's time to go he with Reyna. When we get home, I sit down next to Tobias. “I'm happy Reyna doesn't look like Uriah,” I say looking at Reyna then Tobias. She has light brown hair and blue eyes. She's beautiful. “She looks exactly like you, except the hair and eyes, but she's beautiful.”

I nod my head. “We should tell our friends she was born,they don't know about it yet.” He nods. I call Christina and tell all of them to come over. Uriah won't be coming over since everyone has basically disowned him for doing this to me, even his brother, Zeke.

I see Christina pull into the driveway so I quickly walk upstairs into Reyna's room and I shut the door. I hear Christina walk in and ask Tobias where I was at. He told her I was in the bathroom. Everyone arrives and Tobias tells them to sit. I smile as I look at Reyna. Tobias walks upstairs and opens the door. He smiles and gestures me out. I walk downstairs and everyone is smiling ear to ear.

We get questions like 'what's her name' and 'When did it happen?'. I just smile. “Her name is Reyna Prior, I gave birth at nine this morning. Does anyone want to hold her?”

Christina is the first to raise her hand. I walk over and I hand Reyna to her. Christina's eyes trickle and she cradles Reyna. I just smile and Tobias walks behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. I smile. I couldn't be happier right now, with Tobias and Reyna in my life, it's perfect.

Christina hands her to Zeke, and she gets passed around, then back to me. “I think it's time for me to sleep, I'm really tired, night guys,” I announce then I start to walk forwards the steps. “Tris!” I hear Christina shout. I whip around and I see Tobias on one knee. He holds my hand, “Beatrice Prior, I have loved you since we've met, even when we had our problems. I want to be with you for the rest of my life, and I want to always be here for Reyna. Beatrice, Will you marry me?” He holds up a ring and I feel a tear stream down my cheek. I nod my head repeatedly. “Yes, yes, yes!” He gets up and hugs me. I start to kiss him and he kisses back. He ends the kiss and puts the ring on my finger.  I look at it, it's beautiful! It has ten diamonds on it. Three small ones on each side, then one medium sized on each side, then one big one in the middle. “I love you.”

I whisper back, “I love you too.”

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