Chapter 10

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There was no answer, so I knock again. Four Opens the door, and I lean in, I put my hands around his face, and I kiss him. I sloppily kiss him for awhile, it felt like days, until he pulled away. Why did I even do that? I don't even know what I'm doing. “I thought you loved me?” “I love you Tris, but I can't be with you. You shattered my heart, and I'll never forgive you. Now go,” he tells me pointing outside. “Four, Can we please talk?”

“About what? There's nothing to talk about, now can you please leave me alone. I don't want to speak to you for awhile,” he speaks to me with tears threatening to spill from his eyes, “Just let's forget we we're ever a thing, and we can move on. You can go out with Uriah, I can find someone else,” he says softly yet demanding.

I feel a tear run down my cheek, and I run to my house. I run up to my room crying, and I grab the phone.

Tris: Hey Christina, will you please come over?

Christina: What's wrong?

Tris: Four.

Christina: I'll be over in a minute.

A minute later I hear a knock on the door. I run to the door and Christina's there. She engulfs me in a hug, while I'm crying like a mess. We walk up to my room and I sit on my bed.

“So what happened Tris?” “So yesterday, when Uriah and I got to my house, we wanted to watch a movie. I told him I was a mess, so he told me I wasn't. Then we both leaned forward and we kissed for awhile. Then the kiss got more passionate and sloppier, and then we had sex.” Christina stares at my with her mouth formed in a 'o'. “Then the next morning, I went over to Four's house, and he told me that I never gave him time to explain, and that he felt broken when he saw Uriah and I having sex. I forgot to close my curtain when we did it. Then he said there was nothing to talk about. So I left, and then I walked back a bit ago. I was drunk so I kissed him for awhile, then I asked him if he loved me. He said he did, but he will never be able to forgive me. He told me to forget about us, and I should just date Uriah,” I speak with my voice slurred and raspy from crying and drinking.

“It's okay Tris, and you should forget about him,” she tells me in a soothing tone. “He was my first love, I can't just forget about him like that,” I say starting to sob. “Do you want me to call Uriah?” I nod my head.

Uriah comes up to my room ten minutes later and I hug him. “I leave tear stains in his shirt, “I'm sorry Uriah.” He strokes my hair and rests his head on my shoulder. “It's not your fault, it was mine, don't feel bad Tris,” he's now rubbing circles in my back. “Uriah, I love you.”

“I love you too, Tris.”

I lean forward and I kiss him softly, and he kisses back. I pull away and I smile. He smiles too.

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