Chapter 18

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When I make sure Tobias isn't around I lock the door and I walk over to his dresser. I look over my shoulder to make sure nobody is around. I open up the drawer that he put the notebook in and I shuffle through the clothes.

I find the notebook and I open it. It's a bunch of girls pictures and numbers, and I'm not even in it. Why would he keep this? Tears are threatening to spill but I blink them away when I hear a knock.

“Beatrice? What are you doing that you had to lock the door?” “I, I'm um,” I stumble to get the words out, “I'm getting dressed.” “We had sex together, but you can't change in front of me yet?” I shake my head and I close the drawer and I throw the notebook under my bed.

I walk over to the door and I unlock it. He just stands there and looks at me. “What's wrong?” He leans in for a kiss but I back away. I walk over to he bed and I sit on my side of the bed. He walks over to his side, but stops mid step. He bends down and picks up the journal I threw under the bed. “Were you going though my stuff?” I look at him, my sight is turning cloudy. “Did you?” He raises his voice at me. “Why was that so important that you had to keep it Tobias?” He shakes his head, “Why don't you trust me Beatrice?”

“I do but,” I stop mid sentence because I don't know what to say. “Just, let me think Beatrice, ” he speaks with him face in his hands. I walk over to him and I slip my ring off my finger and I hand it to him. “I will always love you Tobias, no matter what.” I kiss him on his head and I leave the bedroom.

I walk into Reyna's room and I look at her. I pick her up and I sit in the chair. We might not be a complete family anymore. I shiver at the thought then I put Reyna into her crib, and I head to my old room. I will probably be in here sleeping for awhile, until we figure out our relationship.

Do I trust him? Why did he have to keep the journal? What did I do wrong? I shake away the thought and I walk to the kitchen. I grab a cookie and I eat it slowly, but it doesn't taste good. Tobias walks downstairs and puts some pillows and blankets down. “You can have the bed, I'll sleep on the couch.” I fake a smile and I walk over to him. He looks at me in the eyes, “I will always love you,” then he kisses my cheek. I head up to our room, and I just stare at the ceiling.

I can't imagine a world without him.

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