Chapter 20

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One month later

I rise out of my bed and I rub my eyes from my sleep. I kiss Tobias and he wakes as well. “Good morning beautiful,” he says while rubbing his hair. I smile, “Good morning to you too,” I tell him. I get out of bed and I head to my closet to grab some shorts and a t-shirt. I'm started to feel comfortable changing in front of him. “Beatrice, come here.” I laugh and I come over to him.

“What?” He laughs.

“What's so funny?” He laughs again.

“Nothing, I just want something from you.”

I laugh and I lean over and kiss his cheek. “I have to take a shower, can you feed Reyna while I'm in there?” “Can I join you?” I blush. “Go feed Reyna,” I say between laughs.

I walk into the bathroom and I get undressed. The warm water feels good against my skin. I just stand there for awhile until I hear someone opening the bathroom door. “Tobias,” I laugh.

He opens the curtain, but that's not Tobias.

It's Peter.

I try to hide my chest from him but he pins my arms against the wall and starts to kiss my neck. “Peter, stop it!” “I told you that you couldn't get rid of me that quick.” he begins to take off his shirt and then his pants. “Tobias,” I scream in fear.

I see him pull out a needle then he stabs it into my neck. I scream out the only word I could think of, “Tobias.”

I start to see spots in vision, then I feel a terrible pain nobody should ever feel.

He's raping me.

My vision goes black.

I wake up in the shower naked with the water still flowing. I get up and I turn off the water, then I grab a towel.

I walk into our bedroom to see Tobias unconscious on the bed. I grab his hand and I whisper into his ear, “Tobias, stay with me.” I feel a tear stream down my cheek, but I wipe it away. I walk into our closet and I throw on my bra and underwear, then one of Tobias's oversized t-shirts. I walk into Reyna's room to see that she is peacefully sleeping. Peter didn't harm her. I smile even though I feel like dying. I walk into the living room and I just sob. I don't care anymore, Peter has done way to much to me.

I'm pathetic. I've been pregnant at 17, cheated on my boyfriend, I've been touched, and now I've been raped.

Nobody should have to deal with this, Tobias should just forget about me. I'm just another problem. I run to the fridge and I grab a beer. I chug it down and I walk to the pad of paper and pen.


I'm sorry if you never see me again, I'm just another problem in everybody's life. I'll be somewhere in this area, but I won't be myself. Just try to forget about me, okay? I will always love you Tobias Eaton. Take care of Reyna for me. Just remember one thing, Peter.

                    Beatrice Prior

I slip off my ring and I put it next to the note. I walk into the bathroom and I take out a pair of scissors. I chop off all of my hair. My hair is now about chin length, but I still look like Beatrice Prior. I look through my hair stuff and I pull out hair dye. It's light brown. I begin to dye my hair.

I'm no longer Beatrice Prior, I need a new name. Alison Dew. I like it. I open up the bedroom door to see Tobias still passed out. I open the closet and I fill a bag with all my clothes. I grab the money we saved for a rainy day and I grab my cell phone. I walk out the door, but I stop and turn around, and I look at all the memories. I run back up to Reyna's room and I kiss her head, “Mama will always love you baby girl.” I feel a tear stream down my cheek, and I let it. I walk back into our room and I look at Tobias. “I will always love you Tobias Eaton, never forget that.” I walk out of the room, then the house.

I walk to an apartment complex and I talk to the manager. “Do you have any pre-furnished apartments?” “We have a perfect one for your needs!” He walks me up to one of the apartments and shows me around, it will work for now, but Christina will have to furnish-. I stop mid thought, I have to leave everyone behind. Christina, Zeke, Lynn, everyone.

I pay the man the first months rent then I walk into my new apartment. I put my clothes into my drawers and I look around. There isn't much to look at. I change into my combat boots, a black tank top, and high waisted shorts. I look at myself in the mirror. Allison Dew, that's me now. I walk out the building and I walk around my old neighborhood. I look at my old home, Tobias is on the couch crying, but he looks up and his piercing blue eyes meet mine. He starts to get up to open the door but I bolt away, but I see him catching up to me.

He runs and stops next to me. “Who are you?” I look at his chest, then his eyes. “Alison Dew, you?” He shakes his head. “Four.” I nod my head. “What were you doing in the area?” “I'm new and I was just looking around,” I lie. “Oh, I'll see you around then.”

I nod my head, “maybe.”

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