Chapter 6

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Does he actually love me? No, he can't. “You can't love me Tobias, I'm not pretty and I look like a twelve year old, nobody loves me,” I say while I'm still sobbing. “Tris, did you hear me earlier, I love you, and only you,” he says while he embraces me in a hug. “Tobias, never do that to me again,” I say looking into his blue eyes. “Never agai-,” but I cut him off and push my lips on his. He kisses back and soon puts his tongue on my lip asking for entry, and I allow him to.

We stand in the middle of my room making out. I stop the kiss and ask Tobias, “Did they all leave?” “They left a little after I came up here,” he says scratching the back of his neck.

             ~Time lapse~

Tobias and I have been dating for Six months. I think I'm ready to move the relationship further. As I'm walking towards my locker, to get my stuff to go home, I'm yanked by my arm into a supply closet. Someone puts a bandanna around my mouth. I try to punch the people in here with me. One of them moves their hand up my shirt. The guy starts touching me and I begin to cry. I get one of my hands free and I punch the person touching me. I rip off his mask. I stand there stunned.

Al. Why would he do this to me? I rip the masks off the other two. Peter and Drew.

I punch both of them and I manage to escape. I run to the locker rooms because I remember Tobias had Football Practice. I go into the men's showers and call for Tobias. “Four?” I say between sobs. I run to one of the running showers to see if it's Tobias. I open the curtain to see Tobias naked in the shower. “Woa-,” he shouts, but stops when he sees me sobbing and bruised. He turns off the shower and brings me into the shower so I can sit on the bench.

“What happened Tris?” I look at him, then I start sobbing louder. He comes over and hugs me. I bury my head into his chest, which is still wet from him showering. “Tobias,” I mumble out. “You're naked,” I say letting out a tiny laugh. “Sorry about that,” and he goes over to his clothes and puts on his boxers. “So what happened” I look at him. “It's Al, Peter, and Drew,” I start to sob again. “What did they do?” “They...Touched me,” I say between sobs. “Tris, I'll make sure they will never, and I mean never, do this again,” he says while hugging me and stroking my hair. He kisses the top of my head.

“I have to finish showering,” he says looking at me. “But, I don't want to be alone, because they'll hurt me again,” I say blinking back tears. “Just look away then,” he says smiling , then he winks a me.

I look away, but I am drawn towards him. I look at his back and his tattoo. I watch the water sprinkle on his chest and arms, then I remember he's naked. I look away and watch the wall.

I remember that I thought I was ready to move further into our relationship, but I don't know since what happened. Tobias turns off his water and asks me for his towel. I grab his towel and run out of the shower. “You will have to come out to get it, if you really want it,” I say winking. He runs out and tackles me to the ground. He pulls me up and brings me into the shower. He turns the water on and I start to get soaked. I see him laughing, so he comes and hugs me under the splashing water. He starts to kiss me, so I kiss back.

“Tobias, you're naked,” I say between laughs. “I guess you'll just have to get naked too,” he says with a wink. I laugh and I pull off my shirt. I start to kiss him again. “Tobias, I think we should continue this at my house,” I say. We start to get dressed and dried off. We hop onto his motorcycle and head to my house.

We enter the door and we head up to my room. We get undressed so we're only in our underwear. He begins to kiss me and I kiss back. “I love you,” I say looking into his deep blue eyes. “I love you too,” he says smiling. And with that, I deist into a deep sleep.

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