Chapter 23

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He's right, I need to be in Reyna's life so she has a family, but Tobias doesn't need me as a baggage.

Maybe I can go and live with them in my old home, but Tobias and I won't be a thing. We will be a family, but we will be a broken family.

I just need to clear my mind, so I go for a walk. I throw on a sweater, some jeans, and my combat boots. I walk out the door and I head forwards my old neighborhood. As I'm walking I bump into someone, “Sorry,” I say but I trail off. “My bad,” he says holding my shoulder. “Justin?” Justin used to be my best friend before I moved here. “Beatrice?” I nod my head. “I've missed you so much, what are you doing here?” “I'm going to collage up here, I didn't know this is where you moved!” I laugh, “We should catch up some time,” I say laughing. “Well let's go,” he says gesturing me to his house, “Wait, right now?” “Yes, right now,” I laugh and we walk to his house. We don't go in we just get into his car. We drive to the Diner and we sit at a booth. “You look different Beatrice, what have you been up to?” “Is it a good different?” He laughs. “Well I went to highschool, but I dropped out because I,” but I trail off. “It's not important.” “Oh, okay.”

We sit there in awkward silence for a little. “So why did you decide to go to collage here?”

“They had a great humanity programs up here, I plan on going to Africa and other less fortunate places.”

“Oh that's great, but I should go I have some things to do,” I say. He nods, “I'll drive you home.” “Okay.”

He drives me home and walks me up to my apartment. “I guess I'll see you around then?” He nods. but he takes me by surprise and he crashes his lips against mine, and I kiss back. I don't feel any fireworks like I did with Tobias, but I still kiss him. “Goodnight Beatrice,” he says while walking down the hall, “Goodnight Justin.”

I walk back into my apartment and I take out my phone, I call Tobias. He answers, “Hello?” “Hey Four, I was thinking, I'll move back in because you're right, Reyna needs two parents, but I don't know if I can be with you, I'm just baggage.” “Okay, I guess.”

“I'm moving back in with you! What's your problem? You beg me to come back, and when I do, you just go 'fine, I guess,'!” I shout this at him.

“I don't want to just live with you! I want to fucking marry you! But you think you're baggage, even when you're not!” He might as well be screaming.

“Don't yell at me Four! At least I'm willing to come back into your life! I make your life a fucking hell, and you just want me back in! I'm a grenade and at some point I'm going to blow up and I would like to minimize the casualties, okay?” I yell this at him.

“Just forget it Tris, I will move on, but you can have our child, and our home, I don't want any of it!”

I have tears forming in my eyes, “I'll be there in a little, just when I get there, leave my home.” I hang up and I just sob. I pack up all my clothes and everything else I brought and I throw it into my car.

When I get there, Four is walking out, I don't even bother looking at him.

I walk inside and it looks just like the way I left it. There isn't any beer bottles or cigarettes anywhere, and It smells like lemon grass.

I see a note on the counter


Please stay away from me, I don't want to hurt you or Reyna, but I can't be apart of either of your lives. Just try not to look out your window, I can't risk wanting you back.


He's finally accepting that he has to get over me. I do like Justin, maybe if Four see's me with Justin, he'll finally get over me. But e doesn't want Reyna. I decide to write him a note and I'll climb the tree and I'll place it outside his window.


I can't believe you don't want Reyna in your life. You are the Four I knew the first day of school. The douchebag, player. The fact that after all this, you don't want our child sickens me. Go fuck yourself and all those other sluts. I will never see why I loved you.


I climb out the window, onto the tree between our houses. I place the note outside the window and I look in his room. There pictures of Reyna and I everywhere, but one stands out, one of us kissing. I feel my heart melt, he was my first love and I can't let him go.

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