Chapter 24

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One month later

Justin and I have been dating for a couple weeks now, and he gets along with Reyna quite well. It's nice to have someone around. I've started to sleep in my old room because there are too many memories in that room. Tobias told me not to look out my window, but I do it anyways. I like watching him, like I did before we dated.

He's back to his old self now, one night stands, drinking,and partying. He's gotten over me, but I need to get over him. Justin walks out from the bathroom and wraps his arms around me. He kisses my head then my neck. I moan his name. I turn around and it becomes a full on make out session. He pulls at the hem of my shirt and I nod. I start to remove his shirt, then his pants. I start for remove my pants so I'm in my bra and underwear.

He kisses my neck and collar bone, but I look over his shoulder, Tobias. He's in his room, looking at us, he has hurt in his eyes.

Justin and I continue to make out, but I can keep my eyes off Tobias.

I stop the kiss, “I'm sorry Justin, I just can't.” “It's Four, isn't it?” I nod my head, “I'm sorry,” I say while I put my shirt back on. “No, it's fine, just call me if you change your mind. I nod my head. He puts his pants and shirk back on. I pull on my pants and I walk out of the room. I walk Justin to the door and I kiss him on the cheek, then he leaves. I walk back up to my room and Tobias isn't there. He's having a big party tonight, and everyone is invited. I might go, just to ask him why he looked hurt. I go to my closet and I pull out a pair of leggings and a floral crop top. I slip on my combat boots and I start to do my makeup. I put on blush, foundation, powder, and bronzer. I do a Simple cat eye and I throw on some red lipstick. I straighten my hair and I part it to the side.

I look gorgeous. I call a babysitter to watch Reyna.

I walk out my door and people are already there. Tobias notices me and comes up to me, “What are you doing here?” “You said anyone is welcome, didn't you?” He nods and hands be a beer. I chug it down and I grab another one.

The whole gang found out it was me, so I walk over to them. “Hey Tris,” Christiana squeals. I finish my beer and I grab another one. “Woah Tris, you better slow down with those,” Tobias tells me. “You're over me aren't you?” “Whatever,” he sighs. He grabs a beer and chugs it down.

A couple hours later everyone is beyond drunk. Tobias is sitting on a chair drinking a beer. I sit on his lap facing him. “Hello Tobias,” I say trying to be sexy. I don't know what I'm doing right now. I begin to give Tobias a 'lap dance' if you want to call it that. I can smell the alcohol on his breathe. I begin to kiss him, and he kisses back. It becomes a full on make out session. “We should move to my room,” He tells me while we walk up he stairs. I nod my head.

When we get into his room, we lock the door and we begin making out on his bed.

I take off his shirt and I begin to feel his chest. He start to kiss again, but he tugs on my shirt, and I nod. He takes off my shirt and we kiss again. We both take off our pants and shoes. I unclasp my bra and I take off my panties. I pull his boxers off, and well, you can guess what happened next.

I wake up with a pounding headache. I know I'm in Tobias's room, I've been here so many times. I look under the sheets and I'm naked. I quickly try to get my bra and underwear on. As soon as I put on my bra Tobias wakes up. “Did we, you know, do it last night?” I nod my head. I hear him let out a breath of it might have been a groan, I don't know.

“I'm sorry, I should go,” but he pulls me close to him. “Stay with me, please.” I nod my head, “You're naked.” He laughs, “Nothing you haven't seen before.” I laugh.

I get up, “Where are you going?” “Cleaning,” I say flatly.

“Let me help, it's my house, it was my party,” he tells me as he slides his boxers on. I walk downstairs and it's trashed. Everyone left at like 3 am last night, so nobody is here.

I start to throw everything in a trash bag, and Tobias does the same. I see a water bottle that's half empty and I throw it on Tobias. He comes over to me with a water bottle and dumps it on me. We both laugh. I'm only in my bra and underwear, Tobias is just in his boxers. We laugh the entire time, then we go back and we lay in his bed. “I should probably go see Reyna,” I say as I start to put my shirt and pants on. “Wait,” he tells me and I turn around, “Yeah?” “Can I come and see Reyna too? She is my daughter too.” I nod my head. He throws on a T-shirt and some pants. We lace up our shoes and we're out the door.

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