Chapter 5

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I wake up next to Tobias in my room. I remember that my parents went on a trip and Caleb moved out to live at his school's apartments.

I get up and grab my clothes out of my drawer and I head to the shower. I hop in the shower, and three minutes later I'm out.

I get changed into my black, loose shirt and my black skinny jeans. I start to do my hair, which consists of a high, messy, ponytail. I do my usual makeup routine, like I would do it any other day, then I head back to my room.

Tobias is awake and I see him in just his boxers. I start to blush a little, so I look away. “Do you need clothes Tobias?” “Yeah, I'll be right back,” he says while leaving my room. I look over into his room and see him get changed. Why would he date someone like me?

I head downstairs and grab my bag and put on my black vans. I grab a muffin, then I head outside.

When I'm outside Tobias offers me a ride on his motorcycle. I accept it and I hop on. We get to school and we're immediately greeted by the gang. Since me and Tobias started dating, our groups have combined. It now consists of Will, Christina, Uriah, Marlene, Zeke, Shauna, Al, and Lynn. I wrap my arms around Tobias and I kiss him quickly.

I head to first Hour with Four to be greeted by Zeke, Marlene, and Lynn.

I grab my corner seat next to Tobias and we ignore that period. Its a blur until lunch. I walk to lunch with Christina and Al. We get to the lunchroom and I put my stuff down. I get into line and I grab a piece of cake.

When I sit down Uriah takes my plate of cake and eats a piece, Tobias does the same thing. “Go and my your own cake,” I say a little louder that I planned. “That'd be too easy to do Trissy-Poo,” Uriah says. He knows I hate when he calls me that. I can't wait till I get home. I'm inviting everyone over for a game of Truth or Dare.

The day goes by in a blur until it's time to head home. I find Tobias since he's my ride home. I find him at his locker waiting for me. “Ready yo go Trissy?” I sigh because he called me that. “Sure,” I say in a shuttle voice. We hop on his bike, and soon later we're at my house.

Tobias offered to help set up for truth or dare tonight, so I said he could. We didn't need to set up much just some food. Me and Tobias cuddle for awhile until he walks outside. He lights his cigarette. I watch him, but I soon focus back on the movie we were watching.

He comes back in and soon later, Everyone arrives to my house.  We form a circle. The order of the circle is Tobias, me, Christina, Will, Al, Lynn, Marlene, Uriah, Zeke, and then Shauna. "Its my house, so I go first,"I say getting everyones attention. "Marlene, Truth or Dare?" "Trut-,", bust she is cut of by Uriah yelling 'pansycake'. "Marlene,whos your crush?" Marlene blushes a deep rose color. "Uriah," she says quietly so nobody could here, but we all know what she said."Four,Truth or Dare?" Marlene waits for his answer. "Dare," he says in almost a careless manner. "I dare you to call Tris's parents and say you got her...pregnant," Marlene has a crooked smile when she said pregnant. I don't think he'll do it, but if he does my parents will think I'm pregnant. Tobias takes off his shirt, so I lean over and kiss his cheek. I lean against him until someone called on me. Uriah asks me the question, so i proceed and answer it as a dare. "I dare you to play 7 miniutes in heaven with........Al," Uriah says with a smirk. I look at Al and he has a smile on his face. Does he like me? I take of my shirt so I'm in just my bra and pants. Al looks disappointed when I did that.

After an hour of people doing stupid dares and telling the truth, we proceed to play spin the bottle. I grab a beer bottle from the fridge and I chug the beer down so it's empty. I put it in the middle of the circle and spin it. We've all been drinking tonight, so we're all drunk. The bottle lands on Lynn, so I crawl over to her and I kiss her. Tobias looks at me shocked, almost jealous. I don't know why he would be jealous. Tobias spins the bottle when it's his turn and it lands on Shauna. Tobias stands up and goes over to Shauna. They kiss more than they needed to. I feel tears building in my eyes so I run to my room and lock the door. I start to sob into my knees. I sit in the corner of my room and think about that kiss. Why would he kiss her like that? He doesn't deserve me. I don't deserve him. He probably only dated me because he felt bad. I begin to sob louder, until someone knocks on my door.

"Tris, I'm so sorry, open the door," he says almost as if he actually is sorry. "Go away, you don't love me," I say between sobs. "Tris, I didn't know what I was doing, I was drunk, let me in so I can explain," he says pleadingly. I get up and I open the door.I look at him, and he looks back. "You don't really love me, do you?" I see hurt in his eyes when I said that "Tris, I'm in love with you, and I'm not in the buisness of denying myself the simple pleasure of saying true things. I'm in love with you, and I know that love is just a shout into the void, and that oblivian is inevitable, and that we're all doomed and that there will come a day when all our labor has been returned to dust, and I know the sun will swallow the only Earth we'll ever have, and I am in love with you."

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