Chapter 2

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He sits next to me and I look at him with a disgusted look on my face. “What stiff, saw yourself in the mirror?” I get up and punch him in the jaw. “No, I saw an asshole,” I say in disgust. “Principle office now Tris and Four,” out teacher shouts across the room. I walk to the principle office to see our Principle, Max. He greets us and tells us to sit down. “Hello Four and Tris, what did you do this time Four?” “Nothing! Tris just came over and punched me,”  Four says innocently. “Actually, you said shit about me, so I came over and punched you,” I say more harshly than I wanted to. “I will give you detention this time, but next time it will be worse. Now go back your class," he says pointing towards the door.

I get out of my seat and follow Four out the door. I notice a tattoo on his neck, but I ignore it and look forward. We go a different way then we would go to science. “Where are we going?” I ask quietly. “I'm going outside for a smoke, but I don't know why you followed me,” he says looking at me. “I, uh-,” I'm cut off by him. “Don't worry about it, wanna smoke?” “No thanks,” I say. I sit out their and look at the birds, three of them catch my eye because they're flying right under each other. “I'm gonna go back in,” I say looking at him. He looks back in a way that makes me think that maybe there's more between us than conflict.

The rest of the day is a blur until I get home. When I get home I see a familiar motorcycle in the driveway next door. It can't be. Four. He lives next to me. I walk in to be greeted my my family. I kiss my Mom and dad on the cheek, and say my hello to Caleb. I run up to my room and put my stuff down on my floor. I grab my Laptop and my phone and sit in my windowsill. I log onto tumblr and scroll though it. I look over to see four Standing in the middle of his room facing his door. All I see is his back with his tattoo. That's when I have an idea. I pick up my phone and text Christina.

Tris: Christina, I have an idea.

Christina: And that is?

Tris: We should get a tattoo.

Christina: EEEEP! I'll pick you up in 10 minutes!

Tris: Okay.

I get up and look at my desk. In art, I drew the three birds I saw while outside with Four. I fold it and put it in my pocket. I brush my hair and touch up my makeup. I look out my window to see Four in his windowsill. I catch a glimpse of him looking at me, then I'm called down to be greeted by Christina. We drive to the tattoo Parlor and get out of Christina's car. I'm greeted by a woman at the front desk. “Hello, what can I help you with?” I look at Christina who is smiling ear to ear.

“We want tattoos,” Christina say a little to cheerfully. “What type of tattoo would you like?” Christina is around looking at the stencils, but I pull out my drawing of the birds. I hand it to the Woman and she smiles. “I want it right here, leading to my heart,” I say tracing where I want it to be. “Okay, follow me, I'm Tori by the way,” she says leading me to the tattoo room. The tattoo process is a blur, but an hour later I have three birds on my collar bone.

“Thank you, its perfect!” I wait for Christina then we head home. I cover up my tattoo, as I know my family will say something about it. I head up to my room and head to my windowsill. I notice Four on his laptop, sitting in the windowsill just like I do. I do the same and Grab my phone and Laptop. I notice him looking at me in the corner of my eye, but by the time I look at him, he's looking at his screen.

I smile and look at my screen. I get up and put my laptop on my desk. I start to change, but then I realised I forgot to close my curtain and Four was there. He probably saw me in my bra and underwear. I blush and lay in my bed. As soon as my head hits the pillow, I'm out.

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