Chapter 8

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Tobias went home last night while I was sleeping. He left a note for me, so when I wake up I know where he was. It's Monday. I jump into the shower and a few minutes later, I get out.

I get dressed in my black crop-top and my black high waisted skirt. I throw on my converse then I head to my makeup. I follow my usual makeup routine, but I wear red lipstick instead. I run downstairs an grab my keys and my bag. I head out to my truck, and I drive to school.

When I get to school, I run over to Uriah and jump on his back. I've become really close with Uriah, and he's like my brother. I get down from Uriah, and we start laughing. I turn around and Tobias is doing something I never thought he would do.

He was kissing Lauren.

I feel a tear stream down my cheek. I rush into school and I get to my locker. I don't even want to call him his real name, or think of him. When I close my locker he's there. “What's wrong?” He tries to wipe my cheek, but I slap him off. “Do you really want to know what's wrong? You, you're my problem! You're an asshole! The one I knew on the first day of school. You are nothing to me Four. Nothing.” I walk away tears streaming down my cheeks. I can hear him calling my name, but I ignore it and continue walking.

I run into the restrooms and I sit in one of the stalls. I bring my feet up so nobody can tell who it is. What did I do? I didn't think I was that bad of a girlfriend. I hear someone come in, so I try to silence my sobs.


It's Christina! I stand up and I unlock my stall. She runs up to me and engulfs me in a hug. “Tris, you're okay, he doesn't deserve you, you are better than this,” she says while hugging me still. “Uriah is in the hallway, he wants to talk to you,” she tells me with a half smile. I walk out of the restrooms to find Uriah. I run up to him and I hug him. “Was I a bad girlfriend?”

Both Christina and Uriah shake their heads. “He's one of my best friends, he wouldn't do something like this,” he says in a soothing voice. “I just wanna go home,” I say between sobs. “Do you want me to come with you?” I look at him and I nod my head.

We walk to my truck and we get in. “I thought he loved me Uriah,” I say between a sob. “He fooled us all, we all thought he was in love with you,” he says looking out the window.

We arrive at my place and we walk in. “Do you wanna watch a movie in my room? He nods his head and we head upstairs. “What do you wanna watch? I have Disney, 80s, th-,” “THE LITTLE MERMAID,” he says then laughs. I put in the little mermaid and I lay in my bed next to Uriah. “I'm sorry I'm a mess,” I say laughing.

“You're not a mess, you're my best friend, my strong, loyal best friend,” he tells me as he starts to lean in, I lean forward and our lips meet. I sit there shocked, but I kiss back. The kiss starts to grow sloppier, quicker and quicker. “Tris, I've wanted to do this before we were friends,” he says looking at me. I nod my head. We do something unimaginable, something I haven't even done with Four. You can probably guess what I'm talking about.

“I'm sorry Tris, I-,” but I cut him off. “Don't worry about it, we should have stopped it earlier and I didn't, its not your fault,” I say as I get up and pick my clothes up off the floor. I start to put on my bra and underwear, then my shirt and skirt.

I can't believe that we did that. Kissing Uriah was like kissing Four, fireworks. I don't know what to do. I still love Four, but he cheated on me, Uriah is my best friend, bit I don't want to ruin our friendship.

I'm so confused.

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