Chapter 22

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How does he know? “Who's Beatrice?” I manage to get that out. “Don't play stupid,” he tells me. “I'm not, and why are you arguing with me?” I almost shout it at him. “I'm not arguing with you! Just tell me the truth!” he basically yells at me. I feel a tear stream down my cheek, but I quickly wipe it away. “I don't know who Beatrice Prior is,” I as in a convincing voice. “Okay, but just know, I will always remember those eyes.”

I get out of bed and I sit on the couch. “Why are you even here?” He looks at the ground, “You invited me over, but I can't drive home,” he says while he clasps his hands together. “Okay, just leave in the morning, please.”

He nods his head and walks over to me, “I'll take the couch, this is tour apartment, go sleep.” I nod my head and I walk to my bed. “Goodnight,” I speak. “Goodnight.”

I wake up and Tobias is gone, but I see a note.

          To whomever you claim to be,

I went back to my our house.  Just to let you know, I don't feel sparks like that unless I'm kissing Beatrice, and I will always remember those eyes. I'll try to get over you, but I'll always be willing to take my fiance back. I will always love you Beatrice Prior, Even if you aren't claiming to be her. And please, don't lie to me, I know it's you.

                    Tobias Eaton

I need to let him go. I walk into my room and he left his shirt. I pick it up and I breathe in his scent, sweat and soap. I start to cry into the shirt. He still loves me, but I don't want to make his life hell with all my problems. I'll just avoid him for the time being.

I just have to get this off my mind, I need to get some food for my apartment.

I walk to my old home and I grab my keys from my purse. I walk to my car ad I unlock it, then I see Tobias looking at me, smiling, but a broken smile. I drive to the store and I begin shopping. I need some soap so I head to that area, but I bump into someone, someone I want to forget.


“Oh I'm sorry miss,” I say politely. “Nah, It's fine, it happens all the time,” then she laughs. “I'm Christina,” she reaches out and shakes my hand, “Alison.” I say flatly. “Do I know you?” I begin to freak, “No, I don't think so.” Then I push the cart away from her.

I finish shopping and I head home. I unpack the bags and I lay on my bed. First Tobias, now Christina, I'll never be ale to live a new life.

I hear a knock on the door and I open my door, “Four, why are you here?” “Please, just tell me Beatrice, I know it's you,” he tells me. “Tobias, you need to forget about me and move on, it's for the best,” I tell him with tears threatening to spill. “Please Beatrice, I can't forget about you when I see our kid everyday, Reyna needs you, I need you.” “Please Tobias,” but he cuts me off by kissing me.

I kiss back and we do this until one of us have to breathe. “Please come back with me, be a family again,” he tells me. “I'll think about it.”

Then I close the door.

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