Chapter 9

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I wake up with a feeling of guilt. Four and I never broke up, but I can tell we're not together. I get up and I look out my window, where I would see Four's room, but his curtains are closed. Not once, have I ever scene his curtains closed. Was it because of me? I get dressed and I quickly do my makeup.

I put my shoes on and I walk out the door. I walk over to his front door, but I find myself reluctant to knock. I shouldn't be the one apologizing, but I also 'did it' with Uriah, even when we weren't officially broken up.

I build up the courage and I knock on the door. A few seconds after I knock, his father opens the door. “Hello, I'm here to talk to Four,” I say looking at my shoes. “He's been in his room since yesterday, hasn't ate, hasn't spoke to me, nothing, you can stop by later. I'll tell him that you came over,” he says and tries to shut the door, but I keep it open with my hand. “Please?” He nods his head and let's me enter. I run up to Fours room and I knock on the door. “Four?”

“Go away, I'm not worth your time,” he spits out like venom. “Can we talk? Please?” “What's there to talk about? Nothing. It's over, just go away,” he says in a voice that sounds like he's upset, angry, and depressed. “Please,” I hear a click and the door opens.

He's only in sleep pants and he has beer bottles across his room. I just stare at him, then I push his arm that was holding the door frame. I walk to his bed and I sit down. “What's there to talk about? Huh? Nothing. Lauren kissed me and I couldn't get her off me. You wouldn't let me explain so I ran home to think about how terrible I felt,” he tells me shaking his head.

“And when I get home, you're having sex with Uriah! How do you think I felt when the girl I love is doing that with someone else! So I got rid of my problems this way,” he tells me pointing at the beer bottles. “I think us talking is done,” he speaks and points towards the door.

I stumble out the door, tears threatening to spill, and I walk back home. I walk into my room and I start to sob. “I'm so stupid!” I run downstairs and I grab a couple of beers and I grab a cigarette that Tobias left on day. “Since he can do it, so can I,” I whisper to myself. I chug down the beer and I light a cigarette. I breathe it in, it feels different, but soothing. I start to cry, and I inhale the smoke more. I look out my window to see Four's curtain is still closed, so I close mine.

Once I'm done smoking, I grab another beer. It feels good forgetting about everything, and not caring for once. I'm not crying anymore, I'm laughing.

I don't know what I'm doing, so I just start laughing hysterically. I want another cigarette, so I call Four. It rings then it answers. “What do you want? I told you to leave me alone,” he shouts. “Woah, calm down, Do you have any cigarettes?” I start laughing. “No, I don't, you're drunk, so just stop!” I start to giggle. “Okay,” then I hang up. I walk over to his house, and there is no cars in the driveway, just his motorcycle.

So I knock on the door.

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