Chapter 7

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I wake up in my underwear next to Tobias. He looks at me and smiles, "Good morning Trissy." I play hit him and I start to kiss him. It's Saturday and I think I just want to spend time with Tobias.

I get up and I head to the bathroom. Tobias follows and wraps his arms around my waist and puts his forehead on my head. "I just want to stay home today," I say while he sways us back and forth. "And I'll stay with you today, so you have company," he say while lifting up his head and embracing me in a hug. I breathe in his scent of soap and sweat that I love.

I run downstairs and I grab two muffins for Tobias and myself. I go up to my room and I sit down on my bed next to Tobias.

I hear a knock on my door, so I head down to see who it was. I open the door, "Hel-." I stand there in shock. Al.

"Tris, I'm so sorry, I don't know what came to me, Tris I'm so sorry!" I look him in the eye, blinking back tears. "I will never forgive you, you are a coward Al, a coward." with that I slam the door and run up to my room. I start to sob into Tobias's chest. "What is it Tris?" I look at his deep blue eyes, and they look sad, as if he's sad that I'm this way.

"Al came over to apologize, " but I let out a large sob, "But I told him he was a coward." Tobias looks at me. "You did the right thing, and he is a coward, and he should have never done that," he says then kisses my forehead. He starts to rub the small of my back because he knows it calms me down.

We spend the day watching movies, cuddling, and talking with each other. Moments like these, I actually think he loves me, and I know I love him.

That evening I got a call from Christina. Al committed suicide by jumping off a bridge. We all head over to his house for a memorial. I feel like I have to be here, but I don't think I should. Tobias and I make our way to the back of the group. "He doesn't even deserve a memorial, he was a coward," I say while holding Tobias's hand. "I don't know, but you're right. He was a coward, yet people call him brave and heroic. It makes me sick," he says looking at me. "Can we just go home?" He nods and we walk out the door.

When we get to my house, Tobias went out for a smoke, so I head up to my room. I think about Al, my friends, Peter, and Tobias. Before Tobias can get to my room, I drift away into a deep sleep.

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