Chapter 13

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Eight months later...

Tobias and I are back together and Uriah doesn't want to take on the responsibility to take are of our child. Tobias has stepped forward and is taking part in my child's life.

We found out we are having a healthy baby girl and I couldn't be happier. Today I am going shopping with Christina science the baby is due anytime now. I get out of bed and I shake Tobias awake. He moved in with me, since he usually lives next door, and we are basically going to have a family together.

Tobias and I separate into different rooms to get ready then we both meet downstairs. He wanted to come shopping with us, and I didn't deny it, I thought it was cute. We wait for Christina and he kisses the top of my head. Christina arrives and we hop into my truck since it will fit all of the items we purchase.

Tobias volunteers to drive, so I sit in the passengers seat, and Christina sits in the back.

We arrive at the store and it's huge! “Ready?” Tobias and I nod our heads and Christina squeals. We start by picking out clothes. We shop in the area with black clothes and we get her the cutest things. Tobias looks happy so I go and hug him. We get all the clothes we need, then we head to the cribs and other stuff like that. We get her a simple wooden crib and we keep to the wooden theme with all of her stuff.

We get to the toys and Tobias looks so happy right now. He grabs a panda and puts it into our cart. It's cute that he's like that.

We start to look for paint and we decide on light green walls. We check out, then they load the truck. We head home and we try to fit everything inside. We start to move everything upstairs into her room. We start to paint, but I have to stop because the smell makes me sick. So I organize her toys and clothes.

When I walk upstairs about six hours later, the room is amazing! All of the furniture is wood and the light green walls are beautiful! I head downstairs and I grab her clothes so we can start to put them away. When we're dome I start to put her toys into. her crib and the room is complete. I'm tired by now so I head to bed , and I drift away into a peaceful sleep.

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