Chapter 25

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I don't know what Tobias and I are. I told him he could move back in, but we aren't officially dating. He's bringing his clothes back over today. I put on one of his over sized t-shirts overtop of my bra and panties.

I hear the doorbell and I walk to the door. I open it, and he looks at me. “Still wearing my shirts now aren't you?” I let out a laugh and he does too.

We walk up to our room, yes I said our. I told him we could sleep in the same bed, it's okay though, it's not awkward for me.



“Do you still love me?”

I fold his clothes up, “I never really thought about it.” I'm lying, I love him, I've always loved him. “Well I love you, and I want to be a family again.”

I just continue to fold his clothes and put them away, “I'll think abut it.”

After we get done packing, I walk into Reyna's room. She's sleeping, and she'll be that way for awhile. Man, that girl can sleep!

One month later

“I'll be outside Tobias,” I say as I head to the closet. I pull out my bathing suit and I change into it. I grab a towel and I walk to the pool. I jump in and just swim underwater. When I reach the surface I hear a giant splash, and when I turn around, I'm pulled underwater. I see Tobias and he laughs. I playfully hit him and I come back up to the surface. “What do you want?” I say between laughs. “I wanted to see you,” he tells me, then I blush. Tobias gets on the diving board and dives in. He doesn't come up to the surface, so I swim down to him.

He sits at the bottom, smiling, so I swim down further to him.

I crash my lips against his, and he kisses back. It feels like we are the only people in the world. We swim back to the surface, “I love you Tobias.”



“Are we, you know, together again?” I nod my head. “Do you want your ring back?”

I nod my head, “Yes, yes, yes!” I kiss him on the cheek. We go back underwater, and He begins to kiss me, I smile and I kiss him back, until we have to come up for air.

We laugh, kiss, and smile for awhile. “We should get back in for Reyna.” He nods his head and we get dried off.

We get back in and I put on my bra and underwear and I throw on one of his shirts. I breathe in his scent, I love the smell.

“Here,” he hands me my ring. I go over and I kiss him, “Thank you.”

I walk into Reyna's room and she looks so peaceful. I pick her up and she begins to stir.

She's not that old, I think she's about four months. She's beautiful. Tobias comes behind me and wraps his arms around m waist. “She looks just like her dad,” I say quietly. “She has the stubborn personality of her mom though,” he says laughing.

I laugh with him, because it's true. She has his looks and my personality.

I place Reyna back I'm her crib and I turn around. I kiss his cheek, then he kisses mine. I chuckle a bit. “Should we hire a nanny? So we don't have to be with her 24/7. So we can go out to eat, shop, all that stuff without feeling the need to be worried.” He looks at me, “It would make life a little easier.” “Do you want to?” He nods his head.

One week later

“Thank you for coming and watching our daughter 24/7,” I tell the new nanny. “Not a problem, it is my job.” We both chuckle and I walk out of the nanny's room. I walk into our bedroom and I lay on Tobias looking at him.

“What do you want to do today Tobias?”

He kisses my forehead, “Whatever you want.” I laugh, “Well? you're no help.” we chuckle, then I kiss his cheek.



“I love you.”

“I love you too.”

He kisses my nose and I lay my head on his chest. We lay like this for awhile, until I roll of him and I stand up. “I'm going to go and make lunch, do you want anything?”

“I'll help you.” I nod my head and we head down to the kitchen.

I get out all the things we need to make sandwiches. Tobias and I start to make them, but I smear mayonnaise on his cheek, he laughs and puts some on my lips.

“Now I have to wipe this off,” I say pouting. “Don't worry, I'll get rid of it,” he says while he bends down and kisses me.

“Is it all gone?” “Nope,” then he kisses me again. “Now it is.” We both laugh and I wrap my arms around his neck. I give him a quick kiss then I stare into his eyes.

“I love you,” I say, but he doesn't say anything back. “Do you not love me Tobias?”

“Love is too small of a word, My feelings forwards you is more than love, I don't think there is word bigger than love, but if there is one, that describes my feelings towards you.”

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