Chapter 2: Drunken Intimacy

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[Y/n's PoV]

After much hard work and deep thought, the day had finally come when I would set off for Inazuma. I was determined to reach the Raiden Shogun and uncover her secrets. With a solid plan ahead, I was finally ready to embark on my journey of discovery and knowledge. Even if the path was uncertain, I was prepared to take it, whether it led to success or failure.

Inazuma had a distinct atmosphere compared to Sumeru. Its colors were darker and more somber, and the ocean breeze had an intense chill to it. I could not help but notice the difference in atmosphere between the two nations as I looked around at the unfamiliar scenery.

This was to be expected, given the fact that Inazuma was an island nation in the middle of the sea, while Sumeru was a densely forested continent. Despite the differences, the scenery was still beautiful in its own way.

The Akademiya had taken care of all the necessary arrangements, including funding and lodging. I had been provided the funds for my research and given a temporary stay at an inn in Inazuma, leaving me to focus on my work; they had truly been generous to a scholar like me.

Since it was my first day and I hadn't started researching yet, it was the perfect opportunity to take a break and enjoy a drink or two. Besides, without Jikanrah to scold me, who would be there to stop me? There was nothing wrong with indulging a little before getting my work started, right?

After settling into my temporary room, I was eager to take the first step in my journey— enjoying the beverage of Inazuma. I made my way to a nearby bar and sat down at the counter, ordering a glass of sake to start with.

I downed the sake in one go, enjoying the distinct taste and the soothing warmth that settled in my throat. It was quite different from the wines of Sumeru, but it was certainly a welcome surprise.

After finishing the drink, I ordered another, sipping this one slowly as I looked around the bar and admired the atmosphere. It seemed like a place to linger and relax, and that was exactly what I needed after months of preparation.

It seemed like the sake was going down a little too easily. To be perfectly honest, I hadn't planned on getting drunk this day, but the drinks were surprisingly flavorful and easy to down. The alcohol was beginning to affect me one way or another, but I did not mind at all. The warm feeling that was spreading across my body was quite pleasant.

My body kept ordering more and more while my drunk mind was left to watch the spectacle, completely unable to stop. At this rate, I was sure to black out once this night was over...

Who knew how long this would go on for, but for now, I chose to enjoy the moment.

"Enjoying Inazuma's alcohol?"

A little bit dazed and a little bit drunk, I turned my head towards the voice, squinting slightly as I attempted to identify the person who had addressed me.

A woman dressed in a purple kimono. That's all I can think of as the person sat next to me.

It was apparent the woman was a stranger, but there was certainly nothing wrong with having a conversation while drinking. The drinks were working their magic on my thoughts, making me feel a little more receptive to talk with the woman.

"Y-yes... It's nothing like the ones' in Sumeru..." I stutter a bit.

The alcohol was working wonders on my speech. I was having some difficulties with my words, but I figured that the stranger would just take this as a sign of inebriation from the sake.

"I see. A scholar from the Akademiya."

I couldn't help but notice how attractive her voice was. The purple figure hugging her body revealed an elegant silhouette with curves in all the right places. Her hair seemed to shimmer as it was gently swayed by the breeze from the open window.

During this moment, I noticed that there aren't many people drinking on our side as if they're avoiding something. I wonder why. Nevertheless, this figure sitting beside me was certainly a pretty woman who caught my attention even in my intoxicated state.

"Am I that drunk? Or are you just... naturally beautiful? The ones' who probably suit my taste..."

Sure enough, the sake was clouding my thoughts as I admired the woman's beauty. Not only was her voice seductive, but her appearance was as well. It was not a stretch to say that she would be able to catch anyone's attention, no matter how sober he or she may be.

As much as I wanted to fully flirt with her, that would be quite inappropriate for a scholar like me. So I could only sit back and appreciate her attractiveness instead.

However, the woman only raised a brow, clearly surprised yet composed herself as she moved closer to me.

"...Oh? Are you flirting with me?" Her voice carried a hint of flirtation of her own, seemingly returning my advances, but she still carried her sense of composure.

She was certainly a mystery with her seductive voice that holds a certain authority.

"I wouldn't consider it as one but rather... an admiration. Although if you're into women such as myself, then... I'll let you consider it as one."

The woman only laughed at my comment. It was a seductive laugh that made my heart beat a little faster. As much as I wanted to resist, I was slowly falling for her charm.

"Well said. You are quite a charmer yourself, though I wonder if all scholars in Sumeru are as talkative as you when they are intoxicated."

"Or rather..." She slowly lifted her hand to my chin.

"You are much more talkative in bed..?"

The woman's sudden remark took me by surprise. Her eyes were glistening with passion as she spoke, and her gaze fixed on mine would have made me blush under any other circumstances. But since I was intoxicated, my body had no other response except to be overcome with desire.

"As a scholar who specializes aetiology, I could say that there are endless possibilities of this kind of events. Shall we make your own theory come true then?"

The woman smiled as she brought her body ever so slightly closer to mine, making her intentions very clear.

"How about we find a 'roomier place' to put that theory to the test?"

Her breath touched my skin, and her aura had me feeling dizzy and weak. Yet that's all the invitation I needed.

My intoxicated mind could not see where this would lead, but it was still the perfect excuse to fulfill my desire. With this, I was more than willing to follow the woman wherever she led me, with an intention to make her own theory come true this night.

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