(18+) Chapter 16: Sanctuary

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[Y/n's PoV]

My breath hitched slightly when Ei's hand began to trail down my neck and to my breasts. The excitement and anticipation were mixed together in a potent cocktail, making it difficult for me to resist.

Ei felt my body tense as she placed her knee between my inner thighs. She smirked knowing that this small act was already making me feel exposed and vulnerable.

She slowly undressed my top and unclipped my bra, revealing my hardened nipples to the cold air and the soft grass beneath me.

A moan escaped my lips as Ei's warm mouth closed around my nipple, sucking gently. The sensation was exquisite, as I arched my back involuntarily to press myself further into the other woman's mouth.

I soon felt Ei's knee grind against my vagina, rubbing against my sensitive fabric clad clit as I could feel myself becoming even wetter.

"I don't hear you quite objecting. Do you want me to continue?"

I only bit her lip, the conflicting emotions within me making it hard to form a coherent response. I wanted to tell Ei to stop, but my body was betraying me, begging for more of the goddess' touch.

"There's no need for me to answer that when I'm helpless to do anything." I whispered.

Ei smirked, "I know, but it's more fun this way."

She nipped at my other nipple, causing it to harden more in response.

"I could always make you more helpless," she purred, as her hand moving to unbutton and unzip my pants.

With a seductive smirk, Ei leaned in and kissed me deeply, her tongue darting into my mouth to explore. Ei let out a soft moan as she felt my own breasts press against her own.

As our kiss broke, Ei looked down at my exposed pussy. It was already wet with anticipation. Lowering her head, Ei gently licked the seam of my pussy before plunging her tongue deep inside, tasting my arousal. Her fingers squeeze on my thigh, eliciting a gasp from me.

"Hmm~" Ei purred, her tongue teasing the sensitive folds of my sex. "I could always make you cum with my mouth," she whispered, her tongue dancing against my entrance.

"So proud- ahh..."

Ei smirked as she heard my weak protest, her tongue pressing harder on my sensitive bud.

"So beautiful..." Ei murmured, her tongue flicking against my clit as she continued to thrust deeper into me. Her other hand moved to grope my breast roughly, pinching the nipple hard between her fingers.

I gasped, my body tensing as Ei's skilled tongue brought me ever closer to the edge. I tried to speak, to plead with Ei to stop, but all that came out was a thick moan.

Ei knew she had me right where she wanted her. With a soft, wicked chuckle, she increased the intensity of her tongue movements, lapping up every drop of arousal from my core.

"Hah... s-slow down..."

However, Ei didn't slow down. If anything, she increased her pace, her tongue lashing against my vagina with renewed vigor. Her other hand continued to grip my breast tightly, the nipple standing at attention between her fingers.

As my body was consumed by pleasure, my entire being focused on the sensations coursing through me. My back arched involuntarily, and I wrapped my legs around Ei's head, holding her tightly in place.

"Ahh~ cumming..."

Ei smirked as she heard the word she'd been waiting for. The sensations were too much for me to handle. I clenched the grass for support, my other hand gripping Ei's shoulders tightly. With one last forceful lick of my sweet spot, she pushed her tongue deep inside me, eliciting a scream from me that almost sounded pained as Ei felt the first spurt of cum hit the back of her mouth.

As the waves of pleasure finally began to subside, Ei slowly lowered her pants, revealing her wet, glistening folds. She positioned herself directly above my face, her slick entrance mere inches from my mouth.

"Since you'll be going back to Sumeru tomorrow and I could only see you twice in a week, might as well make the most of it today."

"Huh? Hold on- mmph..?"

Ei could only moan as she felt my protests muffled by her pussy.

"I said, I'm going to enjoy every last drop of you today. So don't think about escaping."

I only glare at her as Ei chuckle in response.

"Oh, you want me to take charge then? I think I can oblige," she purred, grinding her hips and slowly impaling herself on my face.

My mouth was forced open as Ei's warm, wet pussy slid onto my tongue. I could feel every inch of Ei's smooth walls massaging my face, the sweet nectar dripping down my chin.

As Ei took full control, her moans filled the air. Her hips moved in a sensual rhythm, grinding against my face as she savored every moment of our intimate encounter.

My hands reached up to grab Ei's hips, holding her in place as I continued to lap at her pussy. I could feel the heat radiating from Ei's body, the taste of her juices filling my mouth.

Her moans grew louder as mu tongue delved deeper into her folds. She arched her back, pushing herself further onto my face.

"You're... suffocating me..."

"Ha... Is that a bad thing?" she teased, pulling her hips back slightly to momentarily break contact with my face before thrusting it forward again.

"You love it anyway," Ei replied breathlessly, "I have you right where I want you, don't I?"

As my tongue danced around her clit, Ei threw her head back in ecstasy.

"Mmm~" she moaned, clenching her fist tightly as her orgasm built up inside her.

As my tongue continued to tease her sensitive nub, Ei felt herself getting closer and closer to the edge. Her hips bucked wildly against my face, her moans growing louder.

"Ahh~ darling... I'm gonna cum..."

Her body shuddered as she came. Her juices poured out of her pussy, covering my face as she moaned in pleasure.

As the intensity of her orgasm subsided, Ei panted heavily, her body still pressed against my face. The cool air of the night brushed against our skin, bringing us back to reality.

We put our clothes back on as Ei quickly got back up, her body still trembling slightly as she wiped the excess juices from her thighs. She tucked away her clothes and straightened her clothes. She was definitely still feeling a bit overwhelmed from the intense experience, but she kept her composure, making sure to act as dignified as usual.

"Well... I guess, I might have... overindulged a bit..."

"No kidding..." I sarcastically replied.

Ei chuckled. Despite her attempt to be dignified and composed, I could tell she couldn't help but be a little proud about her little stunt. She had made me completely surrender to her. This fact alone was already enough for her to be feeling incredibly satisfied with herself.

"Well, it was worth it since you'll go back to Sumeru. However... I still want to keep making you want me more. I want you to keep longing for me long after you've left. That's why when you come back here to me. I'll make sure of it to claim you fully. Until next time, my future bride~"


Even if I was back in the Akademiya, I knew very well about on how she'd completely managed to get her way in the end.

Endless Pursuit (Yandere! Ei[Raiden Shogun] X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now