(18+) Special Chapter: A Bride's Guidance

978 54 8

(Suggesting to finish the story first before diving here for better experience...)

[Y/n's PoV]

After the ceremony came to an end and night started to set in, we both went to her bedroom.

Ei shut the door with a click, closing the world out as she turned to face me. She placed a fingertip under my chin and lifted it up slightly so she could see my eyes, glistening with emotions.

"My darling, tonight is ours." Ei said before kissing me.

I sank into her kiss, feeling her warmth against me. She wrapped her arms around my waist, pulling me closer as she deepened the kiss. Her soft moans echoed in my ears, sending shivers down my spine.

We undressed each other slowly— our fingers trailing over every inch of skin that was revealed. The anticipation grew with each article of clothing removed until we stood there, naked before one another for the first time as wives.

With a soft laugh, Ei pushed me down onto the bed and climbed on top of me. Her body was warm and welcoming against mine as she leaned in to capture my lips once more.

However, the two of us switched positions for me trying to take control even just for this moment. I ran my hands over Ei's body, slowly teasing her nipples and stroking her thighs until she moaned in pleasure.

But before I could do more, Ei reswitched our position once more as she moved down to kiss my breasts. 

"Eager are we? But if you would like to take control, I want you to masterbate first, is that okay with you my darling?" Ei asked so calmly.

My flaced just reddened a bit before nodding— understanding the game we were playing.

I sat up from the bed as Ei embraced me from the back and whispered to my ear.

"Now, I want you to touch your breast first. Massage them."

Her hands moved down to my hips, gently guiding my hand to touch my own boobs. I complied, feeling the wetness spread between my legs.

"Good girl, now pinch your hardened nipples."

I followed Ei's instructions, pinching my nipples tightly and moan from the pressure that was building within me.

Ei smiled while leaning on my shoulders as she pushed her breasts against my back and reached for my thighs to part them slowly.

"Now, slowly open up your folds and tease your clit," she whispered in my ear. "However you wish."

I obeyed, opening up my folds and teasing my clit with my fingers.


"Shh, it's only the beginning. Now, try inserting your middle finger inside. Only that, understood?"

"...Okay..." I responded quietly.

I slid my middle finger inside, feeling the warmth and wetness of my own arousal. The sensation was both exciting and uncomfortable, causing me to gasp.

"Good, did you feel your own arousal? It slipped right in, yes?"

"Yes, it did..." I replied, my voice shaky.

I continued to tease my clit with one hand while slowly pushing my middle finger deeper inside myself with the other.

"Wonderful, now began with a slow rhythm, okay?"

I nodded and began moving my middle finger in and out of myself as I teased my clit.

The sensation... was incredible causing me to moan louder. I felt Ei's hands on my hips, steadying me as I moved.

Endless Pursuit (Yandere! Ei[Raiden Shogun] X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now