Chapter 17: Return

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[Y/n's PoV]

In the early morning, I was lost in my thoughts. I was currently back at Sumeru- I already unpacked my things back to its original place as I wandered around the empty streets.

There was a certain peace to be found in being alone early in the morning while the rest of the city still slept. The empty streets, the quiet atmosphere, and the morning sun. It felt like I could breathe a little better here. And for some reason, a certain thought kept coming to my mind about a certain arrogant goddess who claimed to be my future bride.


I knew it was pointless to deny it, but still I couldn't help but be a little irritated whenever I remembered the things she claimed. The truth was that the thought of Ei actually making me her bride was strangely appealing yet a bit disturbing at the same time.

I felt that intense feeling of annoyance boiling up from within, making me want to shout at the top of my lungs and let out all of my anger and bitterness towards this proud Archon.

I gritted my teeth as I made my way towards the Akademiya. My fingers clawed at the edges of my uniform, and if it wasn't for the fear of damaging my uniform, I would've punched a wall in frustration. How in Teyvat could the other Archons associate themselves with such a self-centered, stubborn, arrogant egomaniac was beyond me.

I held my tongue as I silently cursed to myself. But suddenly, I noticed that the Akademiya was already within sight.

I immediately calmed myself down, letting out a deep breath as I managed to suppress that urge. I was determined to keep my composure, at least until I reached the Akademiya. But the intense anger inside of me remained, and I felt it burning with every single step I took.


The sudden voice made me flinch, and I turned around to see who had called out my name.

"Jinkanrah, senior... It's been a while..."

Although he just ignored my greeting and looked at me with curiousity.

"Your intelligence and sharp tongue never failed to disappoint me, but I wanted to confirm it from the source itself. Have you heard the recent news?"

"News? I don't quite follow..." I said.

Jinkanrah just eyed me suspiciously.

"It's about the Electro Archon who declared her love and marriage to you publicly a few weeks back. I tried to contact you or try to send you letters to ask you if this is true, but perhaps not a single one reach you."

What..? Did she really...

My heart immediately dropped as I suddenly felt that intense feeling of annoyance starting to burn within me once more. I hated this, absolutely hated it. Yet at the same time, hearing the news of her marriage proposal to me, gave me the strangest feeling in the world. I hated Ei, yet at the same time, the thought of being her bride didn't completely upset me either. Ugh, just what is wrong with me..?

"...So she wasn't joking when she told me that she will make it public..." I whispered.

"Indeed, she did make it public that she claimed you to be her bride-to-be. Though a lot of people thought it was just a sick joke made by a bored archon. I thought she was joking as well since I thought you were only focused on your research on conducting her perspective as an archon about the passage of time. I didn't know you went deeper to even know her personally let alone becoming yourself as her future bride?"


The corner of Jinkanrah's mouth just twitched slightly as he was amused by the awkward silence. I knew he had already suspected the reason why I was this silent. But for him, hearing the news of how the two of us got involved in a romantic relationship was something he was completely unaware of.

"If you have nothing to say, you may as well have simply responded with an insult and saved yourself the time. Haven't you even realized that the other scholars are looking at you while they whisper among themselves as we continue on with our conversation?"

I took a glance at the other scholars in the area and sure enough, he was right. I wasn't sure what they were whispering about exactly, but it was definitely centered around me and my involvement with the God of Inazuma.

The Electro Archon's obsession- that was a secret I could never expose. If Jinkanrah knew about that, he might expose the fact that the Shogun had kidnapped me, locked me up and forced me to engage in romantic acts as her fiance against my will. If that was announced out loud, it would no doubt lead to consequences of which I couldn't even handle.

So there was no point in telling him that hence I just remained silent. However, what concerned me even more was the fact that it was already so well known that I was already considered Ei's future bride. Not to mention, the fact that I was already the subject of many rumors- with this event being the main one at that.

I only looked back at him.

"Tsk, I don't care about their opinion on this matter. Moreover, I still need to pass my research to the sages today so that I can explore a new topic."

Jinkanrah just scoffed as he stared at me for a moment.

"You and your prideful attitude... Never change. Although from what I observe, you've been acting rather strangely since you've returned from your research on Inazuma's archon. Are you keeping something from us?" His voice was quite stern, bordering on hostility even.

"Not your concern, Herbad." I replied and brushed it off.

Jinkanrah just huffed as he rolled his eyes.

"Typical behaviour. That stubborn attitude of yours never ceases to disappoint me. I know you're hiding something. I'm just not sure if it's a joke or the truth. And also, do visit your mother since she would like to speak with you. She's been seeking your presence while you were away."

I sighed in annoyance as he just left me there. What he didn't know was that he wasn't actually off the mark. I was keeping a secret with the Shogun involving not just my sudden involvement in my romantic relationship with her, but also the fact that I did not have complete freedom over my actions.


Even though I was mentally and emotionally exhausted, I gathered every bit of my remaining strength to focus on my presentation to the sages. I am not going to let anything distract me and prevent me from passing my research.

After a little bit of preparation, the time had already come for me to present my research to the council of sages. I stood in front of them as I began my discourse, making sure to only discuss my findings on Ei's point of view about the passage of time.

However, there was one major detail that I did not include in my findings and that was the fact that I did not have complete freedom during the period of time I had to study Ei's perspective.

After several hours of presenting my research to the sages and answering those who are curious about my methods and results, the evaluation had come to a close. The council had come to an unanimous agreement that my research was conducted flawlessly and that was enough proof to show that I was a capable researcher that deserved recognition. Some in the council even went further to ask me if the 'rumors' were true to which I respond only with a nod as they didn't press any further after.

The fame I once gained for my genius research in the Akademiya was nothing compared to this newly-earned fame that was starting to reach the whole of Sumeru.

Not only that, it was also reaching the ears of other people, which they were all confused and curious about how in the world have I gotten so close to the Raiden Shogun that she decided to make me her bride publicly. The news had left everyone baffled, and they were all trying to determine if any of it was genuine or just pure gossip but I could no longer care.

Upon leaving the Akademiya, I decided to change into a more comfortable outfit before heading over to meet my parents.

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