Chapter 18: A Daughter's Visit

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[Y/n's PoV]

I took a deep breath, trying to maintain my composure as I made my way to our home. It had been a long time since I last saw my parents, and my mother's sudden request to speak with me left me with a feeling of unease.

I couldn't help but wonder what she wanted to talk about, as I was already dreading what she might say about the rumor of me being Ei's future bride.

I shook off that feeling before opening the front door.

"Huh? Y/n! You're back!"

The voice came from my younger brother running towards me and wrapping himself around me in a tight hug. I was startled a bit before I eventually managed to calm myself down then tried to pat my brother on the back to let go, but of course he was stubbornly holding onto me tightly, making it hard for me to pull away or separate myself hence I just decided to tolerate it for this brief moment.

"Akhil, it's nice to see you again. Where is father?"

"Papa went out and left me in charge." He replied.

Hearing that made me feel a little relieved as I let out a small sigh.

So he wasn't here at least. For the moment. My brother then let go of his grip on me and smiled cheerfully.

"But mama is here! Do you wish to see her?"

I thought for a second before nodding slightly. I followed him to my mother's room and the first thing that caught my eyes was the sight of my mother laying down on her bed, with her body already looking tired and weakened.

I could tell she was still ill, that much was evident. My heart felt heavy from seeing her looking this way, but I still remained calm as I approached her bed. I could not let my heart get the better of me- not this time. I needed to be by her side right now.

"Mother, I'm here..."

I then gave Akhil some Nilotpala Lotus for him to brew as tea since it can be used to help those suffering from Eleazar to recover energy.

He accepted the Lotus from me with a small smile before he went over to get the teapot and began brewing the tea.

Meanwhile, I sat down and looked at my mother in silence for a while as she remained motionless on her bed. I hated seeing her this way, but I knew that it was out of my control.

My mother soon opened her eyes slightly upon hearing my voice. A look of relief and reassurance appeared on her face as she saw me and attempted to sit up.

"Y/n... you've returned."

I saw her lips curved into a small smile as she spoke to me. Seeing that expression of happiness on my mother's face was enough to lift my spirit up a little despite my heart still feeling heavy from her current condition.

"I have... Sorry it took me a long time to come back. Your condition..."

She just immediately shook her head as she gestured at me to be quiet.

"There is no need for that. My illness is something that you cannot do anything about besides being by my side, which you have already done. So I am very thankful for that."

She smiled and looked at me in relief before taking a deep breath as she shifted her position.

"You know I could never have done it myself but seeing my beloved daughter succeed in her research... it makes me feel so happy. Even this sickness cannot take away the pure bliss that's filling me inside as a result of it. So don't worry about me too much, dear."

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