(18+) Chapter 8: Compliance

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[Y/n's PoV]

It's a bit hard to admit it, but I tried to look for the Shogun in the afternoon as I took a deep breath and gently knocked on her private office.

Instead of opening the door immediately, the Shogun remained silent in the office before calling me in.

"Come in."

I opened the door as I saw the Shogun sitting behind her desk with her gaze fixed on me like a hawk. There was a slight sparkle in her eyes as she smiled at me, almost as if she was anticipating the excuse I had in mind. Her pen was still in her hand, and the documents she was writing were still unfinished.

"Sit there."

She pointed to a chair next to her. When I sat down, she continued scribbling on the paper she held in her hand until she finally spoke up.

"I can see that you wish to talk to me. State your concern."

She paused once again, looking up from her writing, before returning her focus back to her document.

"...I'm... sorry..."

I apologized for the way I acted earlier, knowing that being on her good side will increase the chance of her letting me out.

"You really are pathetic, aren't you? So quick to change between your emotions. One moment you're angry and stubborn, but then when you realise that I hold the power here, your attitude changes without a moment's hesitation."

The Shogun spoke with a sneer as she continued writing her documents. Then she stopped writing any of them and put the pen aside, as she crossed her legs altogether.

"Did you come to apologize just because you want something from me? You can drop the act. I am well aware of your true intentions. You wish to go out, yes?"

Tsk, how did she...

The Shogun just smirked at my silence, clearly knowing what I wanted.

"Well? Answer me. Do you wish to go out or not?"

"Only if you let me..." I answered quietly.

"Very well then. You may go, and I will not ask anything further. If you wish to leave the island, go ahead, my lightning will just strike your boat before you could even hop on it. But... I have a condition, if you don't mind."

She leaned back on her chair as her smirk grew a bit bigger.

"...And what would that be?" I asked.

The Shogun just chuckle as she tapped her lap repeatedly.

"Sit on my lap."


I didn't really have a choice except to bow down to her wishes. I slowly got up from the chair and approached the Shogun. Now that I did what I was told, the Shogun ran her fingers through my hair as she leaned back on her chair, smiling at me.

She even scratched the back of my head with one of her nails. I felt uncomfortable just by sitting on her lap alone, but the Shogun seemed entirely at ease in this position as though she seemed satisfied with this situation, especially with my unease.

Then she whispered in my ear, "If you wish to go out that desperately. Please me."

The Shogun's voice was so alluring it was nearly imperceptible. The suddenness of her demand made me catch my breath. I knew what she meant by 'please me' for she wanted me to do something that would satisfy her, whether it was to indulge her desires or something else entirely. It was clear that this was a condition set for me in order to go out.

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