Chapter 4: True Nature

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[Y/n's PoV]

The Shogun's words caught me by surprise as I didn't expect that Inazuma's god could be this controlling about someone.

"You may only be human, but you are still an interesting specimen who can be molded. Your weakness, after all, provides me an opportunity to shape you to my ideals. You would make a wonderful addition to my collection."


A cold shiver ran down my spine as I realized what exactly she was talking about.

"Your research and everything else in your life is secondary to me. And soon, once I have trained you properly, you'll forget about all your useless past. You'll live for me and me alone. If you resist... I will not hesitate to use all my power to punish you."

I could not believe it. Was she really saying that she wanted to make me hers in this way? I knew she was harsh and powerful, but I never thought she would be this possessive about me. To think that such a powerful being would be so obsessed with me. It was unfathomable.

"You know, you really are quite lucky to have crossed my path. I'm sure that most Inazumans would be overjoyed to hear the Shogun claim such interest in them. Yet here you are, standing there with your mouth hanging open, too caught off guard to reply. Your reluctance only makes me want you even more..."

This moment is where everything started to sink in.

I then scoffed, "This is absurd! My life as a top ranking scholar in Sumeru is what keeps me more motivated to conduct more research. I cannot simply put it all way just because a god says so? Moreover, conducting such research is the reason why I came here to Inazuma."

The Shogun just observes me for a moment.

"Hmm, your pride as a top ranking scholar is preventing you from submitting to me. But remember this— you may be a scholar, but you are simply a human being with flaws and desires. I can read them just from looking at you. I can see just how much of you is already under my control. As for your research... you went here to my nation to simply seeks its history, yes?"

My eyes widened a bit as I tried to gain my composure.

"H-how did you..."

"Your eyes betray your emotions too easily. As for knowing your true intentions, was it really that difficult to guess? Of course your 'research' is nothing more than an excuse to pursue your desires. You came here to indulge in the rich culture of this nation without any regard for its history or heritage. You were after more than history and were looking for something... or more specifically someone to seduce..."

Is that how she thinks about my reason here in Inazuma?

"...Tch, as if your guess was right and as if you know everything about me. I am a scholar who wants nothing but success in every research I'll be conducting— a foundation of my mother's ambition. And coming here was no exception."

The Archon's amused expression then disappeared when I challenged her authority. She seemed to grow cold as she spoke again.

"So that is how you wish to play this game, hmm?" Her eyes blazed with sharp contempt as she continued.

"...Then this is what I have to say. If you are a true scholar, then you should know about our nation's heritage more than anyone else. So what is the one aspect of our history that you find most fascinating?"

I could only stay silent as I averted her gaze in disbelief, since clearly the answer is right in front of me— Inazuma's Archon.

The Shogun's expression suddenly became softer, and her tone of voice also took on a different, almost playful tone.

Endless Pursuit (Yandere! Ei[Raiden Shogun] X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now