Chapter 15: Strange Addiction

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[Y/n's PoV]

A few weeks have passed since Ei declared that engagement and I took that remaining week to let her answer all my questions regarding an Archon's perspective towards the ravish of time especially that she holds the ideal of maintaining eternity.

So far, Ei has been diligently answering the questions I had regarding her perspective on time. Her responses showed a level of maturity and wisdom beyond my imagination, with an understanding of her ideal that extends far beyond what I would normally expect from a simple deity. As the week of my research came to an end, I found myself more and more intrigued by her answers and by her knowledge. It was clear that I had gained a deeper insight into the mind of an Archon.

Ei explained that she created the Shogun to rule Inazuma for her, and to help preserve her ideal of eternity. She explained that she wanted to reach eternity because she believed it would free her from the limitations of time and allow her to maintain her ideal without having to worry about things like her own mortality.

She also explained that even though the Shogun is her own creation, she does not possess complete control over her, as the Shogun also acts independently based on her own desires and ideals. This is partly due to the fact that Ei sees the Raiden Shogun as a mirror of herself.

"You are the farthest thing from eternity..." Ei whispered to me.

She then brushes her fingers against my skin, almost sending shivers down my spine with the sheer intensity coming from her soft and wet lips. I could feel her body move closer to mine as she leaned in and smiled.

"But that's what makes you so unique and so special to me. I want to preserve you forever."

I could only stay silent as her delicate lips placed a kiss on my neck, noticing her touch was so tender, yet so stimulating...

Although I try to suppress my feelings since she's only doing it to make me want more of her, and I don't want to give in to her that easily.

Ei merely smirked, seeing right through me and my facade knowing she could keep tempting me if she could just get me to let my guard down for good.

That's why, I deliberately took a step away and cleared my throat.

"Since I now have the data regarding my research, I'll return to Sumeru the next day to finalize it before passing it to the sages."

Hearing this made Ei sighed and tried her best not to show her disappointment as she stepped away from me as well. She understood that she wouldn't be able to keep me here anymore, but she still wanted to make sure that I didn't slip away from her that easily.

"Very well. I will be waiting for your return. Don't keep me waiting too long. Otherwise, I might just come to Sumeru and take you back myself."

"Of course, Your Excelle-"

She then hushes me with her fingers.

"You can just call me Ei, no need to call me by such formalities."

I nodded once more as she rested her head on my lap. We are currently in a small garden from which she dragged me earlier to watch the sunset.

Ei stared at the horizon alongside me. She intertwined one of her hands around my fingers as she watched the sun slowly turn into a crescent moon, the light slowly fading with each passing moment.

She remained perfectly still, her eyes fixed on the setting sun and oblivious to the way I was silently observing her.


Despite her calm and gentle demeanor, I could still sense a subtle aura of dominance coming from her. However, this dominating presence felt less oppressive and more comforting than before, as if she were simply there to provide me with support and protection.

I asked myself sometimes, if this was still the same possessive tyrant I once knew.


She then looked back at me which made me averted my gaze since I was caught staring at her which made her smirk.

For her, it certainly was amusing seeing how easily she had managed to captivate me. She knew that I was still resisting her, but perhaps it was fun for her to see how she could still have such an incredible hold over me despite all my attempts to resist.

"Why are you looking away? Am I making you nervous?" She teased.

"You're too full of yourself." I muttered before sighing.

"Hmph. Maybe I am. But that's only because I know that your attempts to keep your composure and resist my charm prove that much. But there is no point in denial. I'll make you fall for me eventually."


She immediately sat up which caught me off guard and it did little to help the situation when she grabbed my chin. I tried to pull away my face, but Ei held onto it tightly, not letting me escape. She looked deeply into my eyes and spoke with a playful and tone.

"Do you understand what happens when you try to resist me? It's only making you want me more."

I just let out a small groan as I forcedfully pulled my head back that causes me to fall on the grass with her on top of me.

You gotta be kidding me...

She looked down at me with a devilish smirk that suggested she was enjoying this little power-play.

I struggled slightly against her grip, but it was no use. My arms were successfully pinned above my head, leaving me completely defenseless against any further advances.

"But I haven't even truly started yet... How are you feeling, darling? All hot and bothered yet?"

I only scoffed.

"As if."

"I think the flush in your cheeks says otherwise," Ei replied. "You're trying so hard to resist, but I can see how turned on you are right now. It must be such a thrill for you, being this close to the Electro Archon herself..."

"Just give in, darling. It will be much easier to surrender to my charms. It's not like you haven't wanted to do just that since the moment we met; but if you're that confident about your statement? Allow me to test that."

Ei then dipped her head closer to mine, her lips nearly grazing against my mouth before pulling away at the last moment. Her tongue flicked out curiously, running along the edge of my lower lip before retreating back into her mouth.

"We're out here in the open. What are you even thinking?" I asked and glared at her.

Despite my warning, Ei just chuckled in amusement.

"I have already secured the area before we came here so that they couldn't interrupt us. Now, shall we?~"

Endless Pursuit (Yandere! Ei[Raiden Shogun] X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now