Chapter 12: Resentment

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[Y/n's PoV]

The next morning, the Shogun was waiting for me the moment I set foot outside my room. She was leaning against the wall, her arms crossed as she stood in front of me. When she saw me walk out, she immediately straightened up, the usual stoic expression on her face as she locked eyes with me.

However, I only stare back distantly at her as I walk to the dining room. The Shogun merely watched me intently as I strolled away from her as though she seemed to be trying to judge whether her punishment from the night before had left behind any lasting effects on my demeanor. Was it too harsh? Could she have maybe gone too far? Or was it just enough to keep me from talking to anyone else? The answer would be a hundred percent yes.

Three days have passed and I refused to talk to her. I only gave her short responses or nod my head slightly and nothing more. I didn't even care if my actions irritated her or serve another punishment. I couldn't do anything about it anyway.

Every time we crossed paths, my silence would be an everpresent reminder to her about that unfortunate night. My quietness and lack of engagement in any conversation only added to the tension between us. The Shogun was clearly becoming frustrated, but she just couldn't find a good way to deal with me.

Finally, in desperation, she resorted to a last resort. She called me into her office and sat down behind a desk. Once I entered, she waited for me to take a seat too before she spoke with an icy tone.

"It has been three days since I last punished you, and yet you still remain stubbornly and insolently silent. Am I to assume that you are still recovering from that event? Or are you being deliberately obstructive because that's simply how you are?"

After nearly a few days of persistently silent, I finally cracked, unable to hide my anger any longer.

"What are you hoping for? That I will just forget what happened that night?! Do you think I don't remember, or am I just supposed to act like it never happened? Just because you're a deity and hold the power here, don't assume I've forgiven you!"

My outburst made her silent for a few moments before replying in a calm tone.

"I see that it has affected you more than I had anticipated. However, that night was to be my final warning, and I do not regret my actions. You deserved to feel the consequences of your misdeeds. The fact that my actions have left such an impression on you only further reinforces that fact."

"Tch, you're hopeless," I snarled, "A ruthless ruler. An archon who has no sympathy for others! You are a selfish being who cares about nothing other than yourself!"

I snapped back, not caring anymore if she would strike me with her sword. However, she did not move to attack me as though she seemed to be sizing me up with every fibre of her being as she contemplated whether my anger was just a flash of outrage or if it had really struck a chord deep inside me. Eventually, she chose to ignore everything I just said and speak in a nonchalant manner.

"Is there anything else you feel like saying? I would prefer it if you spoke your mind plainly, instead of hiding it behind pointless insults."

The audacity..?!

I clenched my fist in rage as I started throwing everything in her office with contempt. Although the Shogun's not even flinching nor trying to avoid the things being thrown around. She remained unphase while watching me destroy her office, only making a note to fix things later as I threw the last object.

"Anything else?"

"Argh! I hate you! I fucking hate you! I regret it so much in conducting this research about your being. I just wished I picked another archon instead of you!"

The fact that I couldn't even make her flinch was almost as infuriating as the actual argument.

"The feeling is mutual," she spoke, "I find you to be an irritating, petulant child who thinks she's better than she actually is."

I scoffed, "Oh, but I know better. You think I don't know your weakness..? Ei..?"

When I finally called her by her name, the Shogun's face paled for a split second, thinking that I was aware of her creator's identity.

"And what weakness would that be?"

I only smirk as I pull out a kitchen knife and aim it at my hands. I knew the Shogun was no stranger to violence and was well aware that this was most likely a bluff, but she still couldn't help but be slightly impressed by my boldness.

"Is that supposed to have an effect on me?" She asked in a monotone voice.

I only scoffed as she underestimated me again. Without much hesitation I first began to cut my palm.

With that, she quickly realized the intensity of the situation. She was not the type to be unnerved by the threat of injury or even death, but the fact that I went ahead and cut my own palm took her off guard. For a few moments, she stayed silent while watching my hand drip blood on the floor.

"Don't even think about continuing."

I scowled as I made another cut to myself.

"Or what? You're gonna punish me again? Sure go ahead, since that's what pleasure you the most, is it not?!"

Her eyes became sharper as she watched me cut a third time, and then a fourth time. The Shogun's anger started mounting the longer I did this, and she couldn't help but feel somewhat helpless. That was her Achilles' heel here— it wasn't physical pain that bothered her, but instead mental agony as it seemed to be the only thing that triggered her.

I could hear a low growl escape from her throat as she stood up from her seat and held control of her anger.

"Do. Not. Touch. That. Knife. Again. Am I understood?"

I just laughed at her threat, as I aimed the knife at my neck, since all of this was now hopeless and just wanted to die to be free from her control.

Seeing me do this, the Shogun lost all control over her emotion; she yelled at the top of her lungs, and then moved with lightning speed.

She grabbed the blade and yanked it out of my hand, then threw it to the side. For a few moments, she stood there, breathing heavily and not speaking. For the first time ever since I've met her, she was truly lost for words right now.

Perhaps she realized I was really willing to go this far. It wasn't the threat of pain or death that scared her, it was the fact that I was willingly sacrificing myself to get rid of her.

Eventually, she sighed in frustration as she finally found her words to speak again.

"Do you have no regard for your life whatsoever?"

"No," I replied, "I don't. It's not my life to control it anymore, is it?"

"Hmph, such nihilism, such hopelessness, such defeatism..." She sighed as she shook her head.

"She wishes to speak with you."

Without much processing, the Shogun led me to a domain, the Plain of Euthymia. To which I saw Ei looking at me with mixed emotions.

She stood there, quietly observing ny demeanor as a look of relief crept over her face upon seeing that I was still intact. The Shogun stepped aside to grant ua space, allowing the two of usto interact on our own.

"Hello, Y/n."

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