Chapter 7: Thoughts

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[Y/n's PoV]

In the morning, I joined her for breakfast in the dining room yet none of us said a word. The Shogun just ate her breakfast silently. She took occasional glances at me across the table, but nothing more than that.

The Archon's manner remained stoic and reserved, and she only focused on consuming her food. She acted as if nothing had happened between us last night, as if she had not violated me.

"You're not even going to make eye contact?"

She finally muttered out a single sentence. It seemed like she was relishing in my animosity towards her as though she didn't seem to take my own discomfort seriously.

"Why would I?"

I asked her in a nonchalant manner as I continued to eat my own breakfast.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe you would make eye contact and look at me in anger as a way to signal to me that you refuse to forgive me for making you my plaything."

In the corner of my eye, I could see her smirked even more when she said that, enjoying this little game between us.


The Shogun just chuckled when she saw me struggling to keep my composure.

"I suppose there's nothing wrong with you being upset with me. I took your innocence last night, after all. But that's just how it went— your resistance was nothing more than weak, it was almost as if you enjoyed my actions."

I only put the fork and spoon almost in irritation on the plate, causing it to sound before standing up.

"My meal is done." I said to her then walked back to my room.

"Oh, you're leaving, are you? Do you think running away from your problems will solve them?" She smirked as she ate more breakfast, seemingly not caring whether I was in the room or not.

I sat on my bed to gather my thoughts. I had a lot of negative feelings about the Shogun's actions, but I couldn't get rid of the memories of such a pleasurable experience from last night. I couldn't believe I was even feeling this way. I didn't want to believe it at all.

"God, she's awful... Such cruelty... Such dominance... I hate her so much..."

My mental argument continued as I tried to convince myself that I really was the victim here and that I did not enjoy the whole experience at all. I kept on telling myself that over and over again.

I sighed and put those thoughts aside as I rummaged through the room's belongings in search of a piece of paper and pen until I finally found one. I began to write down everything that has happened with me and the Shogun over the last 24 hours. It seemed like writing those events down on paper made the experience more real to me.

"Are these the effects of an Archon's perspective towards the ravish of time?"

I didn't fully understand my own thought process and tried to analyze it as best as I could. I wrote it all down on the paper, leaving no detail behind.

Reading everything I had written down so far caused a flood of emotions to hit me. I saw just how pathetic it looked, and my resentment against the Shogun started rising once more.

I need to get my belongings back from the inn to contact Jikanrah about my situation here.

I had not even realised it, but I have now begun to process the experience I had with the Shogun in a new light— I'm beginning to realize that I was the hostage of a twisted power dynamic. It was no longer just about her violating me, but she had also deceived and manipulated me from the very beginning, as there was never any friendship between us two; rather, she used my vulnerability to take advantage of me. She had used me like a human experimentation subject to satisfy her own perverted fantasies.

Even so, even if I did manage to contact Jikanrah all the way to Sumeru, what could he possibly do against the unwavering will of the Shogun? He's just a human after all...

Now, I realised that I was completely alone in this fight against the Shogun. No one in the entire world could help me with her overwhelming authority. No one but myself. I needed to become a thorn in her side to have any hope of changing this situation.

I cannot let myself be a puppet of hers for as long as I live. I must find a way. As a top scholar in Vahumana, I must put my abilities to a test. The only way to complete my research and escape from her control is to know everything about her past. To find her own weakness.

My thoughts ran wild as I pictured the possibilities. The Electro Archon's past is a mystery to many, and it seemed like the only way forward for me was to find out the truth to understand why she is the way she is. If I could uncover the origin of her character, then perhaps I could figure out how to combat her and get my freedom back. And the Shogun's weakness might come as a consequence of her past as well. This meant that uncovering her past may be my key to victory.

The Shogun mentioned a name called 'Miko' last night. If my memory serves me right, what the Shogun was implying might be the Guuji here at Inazuma's grand shrine. Her species seems to be a kitsune who serves the Shogun for a long period of time. If I could meet her, perhaps she could provide me some information about the Raiden Shogun.

Although it was highly unlikely that she would share anything confidential about the Shogun with me, but it was still worth trying. I would need to visit the shrine and convince her to help me.

Now, one problem still remains. I need to convince the Shogun to let me go out of the manson in order to execute this plan.

"*Sigh* This is nothing more than a chess game but the Shogun's pawns are basically all leveled up to a queen by now."

It was certain that the Shogun would try to prevent me from visiting the shrine. She would have no reason to let me outside without any supervision. I would need to find a way to persuade her to let me go alone. If I could come up with a convincing excuse that sounded harmless enough, there's a good chance she would grant me that request.

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