Chapter 3: Misshape Destiny

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[Y/n's PoV]

In the morning, I wake up with a severe headache. The pounding headache made it clear that I had drunk too much the previous night. That being said, it was also apparent that I was not in my own room, but somewhere else.

As I looked around, my vision was still partially blurred from the hangover, so I could not recognize it at first. Eventually, I realized I was in the room of the woman I encountered last night.

I sighed, "What a drunken idiot I was last night."

It was a little hard to process last night's events, but from the empty bottle and the traces of last night's activities in the room, it was safe to assume that I had drunk quite a lot. It was clear to me that the woman had taken advantage of the situation to bring me back to her room, taking advantage of my intoxicated state. I sighed as I slowly sat up and rubbed my head, still feeling a bit dizzy from the hangover.

Although I must say, her room is quite... traditional and elegance...

It was filled with intricate decorations and the finest furniture. I did wonder how much money the woman must have spent to create this space, but considering her charming aura, it fit her perfectly. However, it was all too clear how inappropriate the previous night was, and I was starting to feel guilty for my drunken actions.

"Wait a minute..."

I immediately pulled the sheets and as I expected, I was naked.

Being so vulnerable, yet in the company of a stranger, would have certainly made this situation uncomfortable. Yet instead of panicking, I could not help but recall the woman's aura from the previous night. That allure made me feel somewhat safe, despite being completely nude. But was it enough to calm my worries completely? Even so, this situation did not seem to be dangerous, for now at least.

I looked around and saw my clothes piled up nicely on the desk. It was reassuring, showing that the woman had not just thrown them carelessly wherever.

I was unsure of how I felt about what happened. Sure, I was a little more at ease now, with my suspicions proving to be false, but the situation was still far from feeling completely normal. I just couldn't pinpoint how I really felt.

I quickly finished dressing, and then peeked my head out the door to get a feeling for the hallway. The hallways seemed rather empty and quiet, with only soft muffled voices coming from some of the nearby rooms. But still, the presence of other people in this house made me feel a little less comfortable about my current predicament.

The further I walked, the more my sense of disorientation grew. I was beginning to wonder if I should have just stayed in the room.

The hallways of the house twisted and turned, and I was getting lost as I walked further. It seemed as if there was no end to this hallway... and my chances of finding my way out were dwindling... until...

"...You're dismissed."

"Of course, Your Excellency."

Hearing this conversation, I stopped and hid behind the wall out of curiosity. I was unsure of who the voices belonged to, but I could tell that one of them had a position of authority. I was hesitant to show myself at all, but I only take a small peak.

My eyes settled on a figure who was leaving this room, with a tengu mask on her head, while the other...

"The Raiden Shogun..?" I whispered to myself.

It was undeniable. She was the reason I was so overwhelmed by such a stunning aura from early on. I had to be quick as to not get exposed so I took a better look at her. Yet as I did so, I froze in place.

Endless Pursuit (Yandere! Ei[Raiden Shogun] X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now