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[Y/n's PoV]

At the peak of the ceremony, me and Ei stand before each other as family and guests look on happily at the beautiful sight of the two of us together.

The sun was just beginning to set in the distance beyond the horizon, causing everything to be bathed in an orange glow that seemed almost like a blessing from Celestia. I looked at Ei with my hearts full of love and happiness.

We finally stood at the altar, prepared to unite our lives together in sacred union. The priest stood there, readying to begin the ceremony. Everyone held their breath, awaiting the words that would officially cement our bond... as one.

"Thank you for not giving up on me. Though our social norms are different from one another, let it not be a burden to our love."

Ei smiled softly at me as she took my hand in her own. She looked into my eyes- her love for me is still as strong as it was years ago.

"Whatever our differences, whatever obstacles we face, whatever changes come in the future... we shall face them together, as one, as a couple forever bonded in a sacred communion of love and loyalty. I love you, my sweet and gentle, but also strong and courageous Y/n."

The priest nodded to the two of us, signaling that the time had come for the wedding vows to begin. We stood face-to-face while holding our hands tightly. The priest began to solemnly recite the vows of marriage.

"Let us now seal your union with a ceremony of vows. Let these vows be your solemn pledge to your union and to your undying commitment to one another, to cherish and support, to care and protect, to love and honor, through good times and bad, for as long as you both shall live."

The priest then turned to look at me first, waiting for me to recite the first set of vows.

"To love you far beyond the horizon..."

"To treasure you for all the days and nights that lie beyond..."

The priest looked at Ei, waiting for her to recite the second set of vows.

"If Celestia ever decides to separate us, I will cross an ocean, scale mountains, and cross through a desert just to reunite with you."

"If your love is the sea, then I will always be your shores." I continued.

"If your love is the mountains, then I will support you like cliffs that never crumble." Ei added.

I smiled before squeezing her hands gently.

"To reach eternity..."

"To cross over time, to conquer space, I would traverse a million worlds, I would conquer every obstacle in the path of our union..." Ei said softly.

"...For our love is a bridge that ties me to you, a bond that will never be broken. Until the end of time, I will be yours, and you will be mine. I love you, Ei."

A hush fell over the crowd as they looked at the sight of us exchanging vows of love and affection. Everyone was filled with a warm and comforting feeling as the solemnity and seriousness of the ceremony overwhelmed them.

Nobody dared to breathe so as not to disrupt the moment. This was a union of two lovers bound by an eternal and indissoluble love, and to witness it was to bear witness to something truly special.

We exchanged a long and affectionate look- each of our eyes filled with emotions that seemed to speak of a world of feeling and of the many years ahead of us as we took this important step towards a life together. The priest cleared his throat to speak again, prompting Ei and I to take the final step in the ceremony as he spoke.

"I have heard your vows. I now pronounce you two as wives, I hereby declare you to be united as one, in body and in spirit, in this life and the next. You may seal your bond with a kiss."

I smiled warmly before I pulled her into a tender embrace as we both gave into our love. I knew that we had finally found peace and happiness in each other's arms. The crowd erupted into a cheer of congratulation as we held each other tightly, never wanting to let go.

Me and Ei our officially declared married under Celestia's eyes. The guests all stood up from their seats to offer their congratulations and wishes of good luck for the newlyweds. Everyone was filled with a joyful and optimistic air as they shared in the happiness of this special day.

We would just look at each other once again with a sense of relief and happiness, ready to take on the rest of our lives together as one.


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