(18+) Chapter 21: Sympathy

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[Y/n's PoV]

Ei smiled mischievously and I could see it from her eyes that were filled with hunger that matched her own advances when she kissed me.

"My darling, I will never stop pursuing you. You may resist now, but soon you'll be mine completely. No one can deny the Shogun's will."

She continued to kiss me forcefully, her tongue dancing with mine as she tried to claim me completely. Her grip on my wrists tightened even further— digging her nails onto my flesh slightly.

"I don't want your kindness. I don't want your pity. Just... go away." I finally replied, looking away from her eyes since I couldn't stand the sight of someone trying so hard to help me but being rejected due to my own stubbornness.

However, Ei merely smirked devilishly as she slowly began to unbutton my shirt.

She's not even listening at all.

"I know you can't resist me forever, darling. Soon, you'll be begging for my touch... just like you always do."

She pulled my shirt over my head, tossing it aside, and unbuttoned my pants before sliding them down my legs as I was only left with my bra and panties.

"Please, Ei. Just stop this..."

Ei merely chuckled dismissively, her eyes glowing for a brief moment.

"Not until you submit to me completely." She whispered.

She then slowly unclasped my bra and let it fall to the floor before reaching for the waistband of my panties to take them off.

"Let me comfort you."

Her hands trailed up my legs, over my stomach and chest before cupping my breasts. She then kissed me making me close my eyes as tears fell from it.

Her tongue... slid right in, demanding submission while her kiss deepened before she pulled back slightly, our foreheads touching.

"Open your eyes and look at me." She commanded.

I obliged, slowly opening my eyes as she wiped away the tear that flowed down my cheek before placing her fingers on my clit and began to rub it slowly, feeling it twitch beneath her touch.

"You're soaked." Ei murmured then slid a finger inside me, feeling me open up for her.

"Nnngh.... Please stop..."

"Oh? And did you really think I would let this go so easily? The loss of your mother causes you to grief, but I'm still here. I'm willing to support and care for you just like she did."

She slid her second finger inside me, stretching me just enough to feel both full and needy.

Then she kissed my neck, nibbling at the skin as she spoke.

"You've been through so much, but I want to help you heal. Just open your heart for me— even just a little..."

She added another finger inside of me, matching every pace that my body needed before Ei whispered to me somewhat hurt.

"...Please..." She pleaded.


I only looked at her silently since this was the first time that I truly saw her beg to me with such need.

"Please," Ei repeated, her voice barely above a whisper. "I know my methods are always extreme but just this once— allow me to comfort you, my bride."


I hesitated for a brief moment before nodding my head slightly. I know it was a bad idea— or even foolish to even agree with her pleading, and I don't even know whether she's manipulating right now or not but the tone of her voice says otherwise while her fingers continued to push deeper within me.

"Thank you." she smiled, leaning in to place a gentle kiss on my shoulder blade.

She intentionally hit my g-spot and watched me as I gripped the edge of the table.

"Relax," she whispered, "Let go of your tension and surrender to the pleasure."

She soon slid her fourth finger inside of me making me gasp as she stretched me further than I ever imagined possible.

Then she leaned in and licked my neck, letting out soft moans as she did so.

"You're always so tight."


I moaned while she continued to thrust her fingers in and out of me, her nails dragging lightly against my sensitive walls.

"So you do like this..." she said, nipping at my neck.

"Y-yes..." I finally surrendered.

Ei merely grinned cruelly as she saw the defeat in my eyes.

"Good," she purred, slamming her fingers home with force. I cried out in pleasure— my walls clenching more around her probing fingers.

Ei took advantage of my surprise, kissing me deeply. Her tongue seeking entrance into my mouth. Her fingers continued to move inside of me, driving me to the edge of climax.

She continued her rhythm thrust in and out of me at a punishing pace, while her thumb teasingly pressed down my clit.

"Come for me, my bride," she whispered into my ear while her fingers moving even faster. "Cum hard."

With that, Ei watched as I arched my back in pleasure— cumming hard on her fingers. She continued to thrust her hand inside of me, milking every drop as it came.

"Beautiful," she praised before withdrawing her hand slowly, relishing in the sight of my juices coating her fingers.

"Good girl."

Without wasting time, she placed her fingers on my mouth, forcing me to clean them.

"If you don't want to eat what was given to you earlier then at least swallow your own cum and lick them." she commanded.

"Suck all of it. And don't even think of leaving a single drop."


I hesitated only for a brief moment before opening my mouth and taking her fingers inside; my tongue dancing over her skin while I taste myself.

"Hmm..." she hummed, pulling her fingers out of my mouth and slowly licked the remaining juices herself.

After cleaning her fingers, Ei gently placed them on my cheek before leaning in to press her lips against mine in a soft, lingering kiss. She then pulled away slowly, her eyes still locked on mine as she ran her thumb over my bottom lip.

"Tell me how it tasted." She said.

"I... it's... sweet..."

Ei then smiled at my halting words.

"Good. Now you know why I want to ravage you more. Now, why don't we take a nice warm bath together? You look like you really need to relax."

I nodded slightly as Ei picked me up in a bridal style as we both went to the shower to clean up the aftershocks.

Endless Pursuit (Yandere! Ei[Raiden Shogun] X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now