Chapter 10: Broken Rules

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[Y/n's PoV]

After those sentences left the Guuji's mouth, I took a deep breath and slowly let it out, feeling frustrated by my current situation.

"You gotta be kidding me..."

Ei was a goddess whom I knew very little about, but her obsession with me seemed to be on another level compared to the Shogun's. If I were to meet her, I would probably be subjected to many forms of scrutiny and even possible entrapment; after all, this is the world that she rules and controls.

"Unfortunately, I'm not. I'm being completely serious here in telling you this. The Shogun's obsession with you can be considered somewhat healthy. But with Ei? You could be at risk of ending her prize possession, my dear. Or, if your luck is worse off, it is quite possible that she could treat you even worse than the Shogun does."

The thought of potentially being held captive by the god of Inazuma made me shudder. What kind of 'worse treatment' would Ei possibly have in store for me? I don't even know where to begin with.

"The Shogun's fixation on you is due to her obsession with maintaining eternity and control. But Ei's? Her obsession with you is something completely beyond rationality, but..."

"But..?" I asked her.

"But at the same time, it has one advantage— her emotional weakness for you. The Shogun's obsession with you has nothing to do with emotions, but for Ei? She is completely smitten by you, dear. If you show even the slightest sign of affection back, she will turn into a blushing mess in a heartbeat." Yae Miko smirked.

She seemed quite sure of everything she had just said.

"Let me ask you a question now. Have you ever thought of reciprocating Ei's affections... even if it is for only a fleeting moment?"


I didn't answer, but Yae Miko's smirk didn't falter. She could see right through my mind, and it was obvious that she had struck a nerve with this one.

"Tell me... Do you like the impression of the Shogun? Or maybe the impression I have of you about Ei? Either way, they are each other's half after all. Liking one means liking the other."

I only folded my arms.

"I don't think I could ever reciprocate their feelings in return due to such extreme methods they put on me."

"Hmm... Perhaps there's some truth there," She grins, "But hypothetically speaking, if it meant that you would be able to gain your freedom after all this time... and all you had to do is accept her affections for a moment... Would you do it...? "


Would I... do it...?

Those were the last statements I heard from Yae Miko after I left the shrine since the sun was already starting to set. Yet, despite the gloom, those words from the Guuji just kept echoing inside my mind. Accept her affections for a moment? Could it really be that simple?

"Tsk, what a joke."

As the sun finally set and the sky was painted a beautiful, deep scarlet hue, I stood in front of Tenshukaku. When the Shogunates opened the door for me, the Shogun stood there, narrowing her eyes at me. Her stoic and emotionless expression gave away little about her thoughts, but her sharp and keen gaze was like daggers piercing into my very soul.

"I thought I made it clear for you to return to me before sunset?"

I stayed silent for a few moments, debating whether I should tell her the truth or just keep my secrets hidden. Maybe she'll never know anyways.

"Did you meet anyone out there? Did you talk to anyone? What kind of mischief are you playing at?"

So many questions... yet despite that, I only raised a brow and crossed my arms.

"I took this day to continue on with my research. It's not like Inazuma's god would willingly answer all of my questions about this boring subject. So yes, I met a lot of people by conducting a survey."

As if this is my way of irritating her, the Shogun just gazes coldly at me.

"That is not an acceptable answer. You have completely ignored all of my warnings about talking with others while going out. I would say I am almost impressed by your insolence if it wasn't so foolish."

Without much hesitation, the Shogun then pulled me inside without any regard for my protests as she slammed the door shut.

For a moment, I wondered just how much she knew. Perhaps she already knew about my meeting with Yae Miko? Or... perhaps she knew everything? She always kept a sharp eye on me after all, so perhaps it was better not to underestimate her again.

The two of us were alone behind closed doors, which meant that the both of us could speak freely.

"You took advantage of my generosity. I only gave you permission to go out. Not to talk with some strangers."

I scoffed, "And so what? You didn't even warn me about something like that before I left–"

"It's not my concern if I failed to give precise instructions because it was already implied as common sense. I said nothing about talking with strangers because I trusted you to know better. Obviously, I was foolish to do so." She scowled.

"Did you seriously believe that I would let you roam freely in the town without any restrictions? If I allowed such a thing, that would mean I don't take you seriously, and that would be unacceptable to me. So let's not try and play dumb. You know very well what the terms for going outside are, yes?"

I rolled my eyes.

"Probably not since you never mentioned any of it during my stay."

The Shogun just narrowed her eyes in irration.

"Hmph, I told you that you were only allowed to go outside. Your research doesn't involve speaking with other people does it, since your main topic is clearly about my perspective about the passage of time?"

"Of course," I replied, "but I still need some participants since I want to know the locals' own perspective about their archon."

"Oh? How convenient that this 'survey' of yours just happened to require you to talk with someone other than me. Do you actually think I'd fall for such an excuse?"

I sighed.

I didn't even want to argue anymore since it's becoming pointless now as I shrugged and walked back to my room.

"Do not even try to ignore me. I am NOT finished talking with you yet." Her voice carried a strict tone as she followed me inside my room.

She closed the door behind her, then walked towards my research papers and began inspecting them. Her scrutiny was almost like that of a hawk watching its prey.

What the..?!

Then without moment hesitation, she started tearing the survey report apart.

I tried keeping a straight face on the outside, but on the inside, I was screaming out in rage. All my hard work, gone in a matter of seconds. I had poured my all to finish those and it had been for nothing now.

"Tch, what do you think you're doing..?!"

I was about to stop her, but I immediately stopped when she looked at me murderously as though her expression seemed to be saying that she would not hesitate to kill me if I tried to stop her so I was left to simply watch her tear all my work to pieces right in front of my horrified eyes.

After a minute had passed, I thought this nightmare was finally over when she finished tearing every piece of it, however my eyes only widened in frustration as the maidens came inside and handed her what seemed to be a set of Bdsm equipments as she looked at me sadistically.

"It's time for your punishment, my rebellious pet."

Endless Pursuit (Yandere! Ei[Raiden Shogun] X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now