Chapter 14: Contract

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[Y/n's PoV]

From the moment those words left her mouth, I knew that Ei was not joking nor was she referring to me as her future concubine either but I refuse to believe it.

"This is a promise that you won't be able to break, or a warning you can't ignore. The Raiden Shogun never makes empty threats or false promises. So do not try to escape me."

"A bride..? Please tell me you're only joking— I'm still a scholar in Sumeru! I haven't even graduated yet!" I try to reason with her.

"Marriage is the ultimate way to demonstrate that we are meant for each other. Besides, I'm a god of Inazuma, so age is not a concern. I don't mind waiting until you graduate either." She smirked as she said the last sentence.

"S-still, I'm only human. I couldn't live that long like you."

Ei smiled as she stroked my hair.

"How long one lives is of no concern. My love for you will be eternal. So once you graduate, we will celebrate by becoming a happy couple. We'll have the most glamorous wedding in all of Inazuma." She exclaimed.

"D-do you even want me to graduate if you're keeping me locked up in your mansion?" I asked rationally.

Ei merely chuckled at my question, finding it quite amusing.

"Do you really not understand yet? You don't need to worry about your graduation or continuing to conduct research. As long as I have you. that is enough."

"But you cannot marry someone unless they also agreed to be married, yes? And my answer will be 'no'." I coldly said to her.

Ei paused for a moment, as she was taken aback by my confidence, but it didn't take her that long before she regained her composure.

"Oh? You think it's that simple to say no? I will simply keep doing whatever it takes until you give in and accept my proposal. That's just how I am."

"So I suggest you rethink your decision, darling. Your resistance is futile. Because I'm already obsessed with you, and nothing is stopping me from making you mine forever."

I could only clenched my fist, and when all hope seems lost, an idea pops up in my head.

"Fine then, let's make a contract shall we?"


Ei was surprised by my sudden change in temperament despite my prior refusal to being married to her.

"A contract..? Hmm, so you're willing to accept my proposal after all. It seems my affection for you has won you over. I'm curious... what terms do you have in mind?"

I smirked slightly, "You said you're willing to wait for me after I graduate, right? Then how about this— Let me finish my studies and let me become a fully verified researcher. During those times, you still have enough years to make me really fall in love with you and love you willingly without using such force."

Ei seemed to consider my terms for a long moment, trying to figure out if this contract was truly worth her time.

"A fair request. But how can I be sure that you won't run away once you complete your studies? I can't have you being snatched away by other people who don't see you for who you truly are. I refuse to let that happen."

I nodded, "Then shouldn't you make your own rules from this contract as well?"

Ei tapped her chin before nodding slightly.

"Hmm... very well. How about this, once you graduate, you cannot return back to Sumeru, nor can you contact your former colleagues or anyone from there."

It's only the first regulation and I could already feel my stomach tighten. What about my family and friends? But if it meant to be this way, then...

"...Tsk, fine..." I said and accepted it in defeat since I couldn't do much from my situation anyways.

"Good. Then here is the second term. You are not allowed to pursue or be pursued by anyone else for the time being for I will let the world know that you only belong to me."

"S-seriously? And the last term?" I asked her.

Ei chuckled, finding it amusing how I was now acting completely hopeless.

"The third and final term— You will not engage in any physical contact with anyone else for as long as we remain unmarried. No relationships, no affairs, and no one-night stands. Are these terms acceptable to you, my darling?"


I forced my body to nod since my mind was already in rage with this term.

"...Yes, now it's my turn to set my own rules from this contract."

"First, I am allowed to go back to Sumeru without you restraining me. Second, you will cooperate with my current research by answering all of my queries. And third, you are only allowed to see me twice every week since mostly I am busy with my research when I'm back at the Akademiya. Now, do you also agree with my terms?"

Now it was Ei's turn to be stunned, as she was visibly taken aback by how I set the terms of a contract that heavily favored me. She could not deny that the terms I set were completely fair, especially considering the fact that she had put more restraints and restrictions on me while my terms were not overly oppressive.

"...These terms are acceptable. Very well, then it is settled. We have made a contract between us. As a goddess, you can trust me to keep my word. Now, you must also abide by the agreement."

I nodded, "You have my word..."

Ei smirked.

"Good girl. Now that the terms have been agreed upon, we can officially seal the contract."

Ei then pulled me closer towards her body.

"So, in order for the contract to become official, we need to share a simple yet sacred kiss. You will still accept this last condition, won't you?"

I could only sneer at her as a  response while she merely smirked, clearly amused by my annoyance. It almost seemed like she was deliberately trying to tempt me.

"Is something wrong, darling? You appear reluctant. Are you worried that you'll fall in love with me right after our first kiss? The Shogun's kiss does not count as mine, of course."

I only scoffed as Ei took the opportunity to slowly slide her hands up my shoulders as she began to kiss me. Her lips were soft and wet with saliva, but what made it so much more intimidating was the fact that she was so confident that she could easily win me over in time.

She remained smiling despite my resistance. She was not fazed by the fact that I parted after just one kiss, since she was confident that this was simply the first of many to come in the future.

"Hmm. Looks like we are officially engaged now. Let time pass, and you'll soon realise that no other women are worth your time. I await the day you fall in love with me of your own free will, my future bride."

Endless Pursuit (Yandere! Ei[Raiden Shogun] X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now