Chapter 26

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"Did someone order a pizza?" A mysterious voice knocked at the door. I looked at Bakugo for a second.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and rubble on the ground. It was instantaneous, All Might was here, with the Pro Heroes Kamui woods, Gran Torino and Edgeshot. Kamui woods had tied the villains up with his quirk while Gran Torino incapacitated the more aggressive villains. Edgeshot opened the door to reveal the mass amounts of SWAT officers.

"I'm here now boys! You must've been so scared!" He smiled.

"Get me the fuck out of here!" I shouted.

"You need to get medical assistance first, Young Odayaka." He held my shoulder.

"Heh, hehe! You can't escape our Master!" Shigaraki cried out in maniacal laughter.

Suddenly, my lungs welled up with a strange fluid, the black viscous fluid poured from my mouth, I fell to the floor. Coughing and spluttering before the liquid covered my face.

"Help!" I cried. Bakugo grabbed my arm and held it tightly,

"Amao! Bakugo!" All might run towards us, but he was too late.

When my vision cleared I sat on the ground, crying my eyes out. I just wanted to go home. Bakugo still held on to my hand.

"I want to go home!" I cried. "Let me go home!"

"You failed once more, Tomura." I turned to see a new villain, stronger than the ones before. My body shook in fear.

"You're an interesting one, aren't you?" That voice spoke again, directed towards me. "A mutation quirk, powerful strength too when you get too stressed."

"Leave him alone." Bakugo stepped in front of me, defending me.

"Or what?" Suddenly, I felt a powerful kick to my stomach, blasting me into the side of a building.

Blood poured from my mouth, If I let loose now, I could die, this villain was stronger than any other we've faced before. I was terrified, the trauma settling strong.

"LEAVE THAT KID ALONE ALL FOR ONE!" I was just able to look up at the sky, it was All Might, struck All for One, creating a powerful blast of air, wrapping up loose debris and flinging them everywhere.

Bakugo looked like he was going to attack, just as he pounced I jumped in and tackled him.

"If you do that you'll only get yourself killed." I snapped, holding him down.

Suddenly, All Might and All for One broke out into a huge fight. Each of them causing as much destruction to the environment as well as each other.

"All Might!" We cried. Anger grew inside of me, I couldn't let anyone else get hurt for me, I couldn't!

"Get that kid out of here." All for One instructed. "Keep the fat one."

"Why me?" I cried. "All I want to do is to become a hero, a hero that helps people! Why is it that I always have to be wrapped up in these kinds of things?"

No one answered me, rage growing stronger.

"WHY! WHY! WHY!" With each question being left unanswered, I pounded my fist into the ground, cracking the earth beneath us.

"Calm down Amao." Bakugo shouted at me.

"You're one to talk! Telling me to calm down!" I snarled at him.

"Forced Quirk activation: Giant Panda." Suddenly, there was a prod in my back, I was stabbed in the back by two tendrils.

It was like I didn't have control over my own body. Pain rushed through me, more pain than all the years of beating I suffered. A miasmic poison seeped into my veins, I grew insatiable, hanger completely took over my body. My fangs grew to a length that could be compared with a kitchen knife. My nails sharpening, strong enough to sheer any type of material. It was as if I had become feral. My tongue stuck out, equivalent to the length of Stain's tongue, dripping in my own blood and saliva. My muscle strength has increased to a dangerous level. The blood in my body raced through me. My roar shook the surrounding area, upturning more earth than an 12.1 magnitude earthquake.

"Attack All Might, you beast!" I was compelled to, even though I knew I shouldn't. I hated this, I wanted to go home.

As All Might charged towards me, my hands acted on their own. I struck the Hero's chest, ripping his costume, causing deep lacerations in his skin.

"Young Amao! Stay with me! You can resist!" He shouted, he tried to get through to me, but I couldn't keep control.

"Attack, Beast!" He ordered.

And so I did, I kept on striking him, to the point where he knelt before me. I was sandwiched in between All Might and All for One. I glanced over and heard a familiar voice.

"AMAO!" I looked up at the sky and saw Tenya, along with Kirishima, Midoriya and now Bakugo, reaching out his hand to me.

"Attack!" All for One ordered me, I stood there.

"No." I stated, a gravelly tone in my voice.

"Do as I say!" The villain demanded.

"I SAID NO!" I turned around and punched the villain in the throat. The punch created an immense wind.

Within seconds I jumped as high as I could, reaching out to Tenya, he caught my hand and we flew together.

"I am so angry with every single one of you." I said as we flew. "But thank you for coming for us."

When we landed Tenya grabbed me by the face and kissed me passionately, in front of our peers.

"I wasn't going to watch you get that injured." Tenya smiled. "I love you so much Amao."

"Adorable!" Momo caught up with us and was in awe.

"I need to get to the hospital. I can't stay in fight or flight much longer." I started to breathe in and out heavily, heaving with each breath.

I was trying to stay conscious, but I had to go to sleep, I felt myself drifting, seeing a white light. It was warm, comforting. So that's what I did, closed my eyes, drifting into slumber.

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