Chapter 4 The girl from that night.

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Stella was instantly stunned. Before she could say a word, the other party hung up the phone.

She dialed it many times but the person didn't answer it.

She didn't know if she should believe this person or not because one, she witnessed her mother's burial but two, she didn't witness her mother's accident.

Her head was in a mess as she kept thinking on what to do. Maybe it was just a prank from Sophia and Sophie.

Stella sighed and went back to work. Clara walked into her office with a takeaway bag, she dropped it in front of Stella and said "The boss ordered food for us, this is for you, eat quickly before you faint from hunger."

Stella smiled and took the bag from her, she had been typing on an empty stomach.

After Stella finished eating, she took the books and poems she wrote and went to the printers office.

She passed by Clara's office and decided to pay her a visit. When she walked in, Clara was on the phone with someone.

Seeing Stella enter, she smiled.
When she ended the call, she stood up and went to stand in front of the office floor to ceiling window close to Stella.

She smiled. " Tomorrow is a big day for those orphans, they are going to be so happy. The boss just sent another money and told us to take them to sunshines amusement park, the biggest park in the city. He has already booked the whole amusement park for tomorrow's event.

Our boss is really a lover of children."

" If he cares for orphans like this, his children are going to have a caring and loving father." Stella said.

Clara sighed. "He doesn't have a child and he hasn't married yet. He cares for orphans like as if they are his own children, the boss can be ruthless when dealing with adults but when it comes to children, his caring side surfaces.

I wished I could marry a man like him, but the deed has already been done. You are a young and cute girl Stella, maybe the boss will find interest in you." Clara joked but she actually meant it.

Stella could only smile and say "Why would a CEO find interest in me, aren't they always after wealthy ladies from noble families, now and days the matchmaking have already been done even before the child is born, so I'm sure that he has already been matched up with somebody."

" That's true, well let's go back to work, we haven't sort out the things that were bought yesterday." Clara said then led the way.

While they were working, Stella suddenly felt hungry. It had only been fifteen minutes since she ate, why was she all of a sudden feeling hungry again.

She thought maybe it was normal and went back to work.
When it was afternoon, they all closed from work because they had to rest for the event.

Stella picked up her bag and walked out of the building. When she got home, she did everything necessary before going to bed.

When the morning sun sprayed sharp rays into Stella's room, she was forced to open her eyes.

She sat up on her bed and checked the time. It was almost ten o'clock. Shit! She was late for work.

" I doesn't usually sleep in during working days, what's happening to me?" Stella asked herself as she looked in the mirror.

She quickly put her clothes on, packed all her stuffs into her bag, wore her shoes then ran out of the house.

If she didn't arrive early, they would leave without her. She was walking and running at some point.

In the dark coloured office of the Brighton's co-operation building, Reagan stood in front of the floor to ceiling glass window with a cup of coffee in his hand.

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